Resultados: 5

Genomic and phenotypic variations among Thai-53 and Mycobacterium leprae clinical isolates: implications for leprosy pathogenesis and research

Throughout Mycobacterium leprae’s (M. leprae) evolutionary trajectory, nearly half of its genome was converted into pseudogenes. Despite this drastic reduction in genetic content, the genome sequence identity among M. leprae isolates worldwide is remarkably high compared to other pathogens. In this stu...

Large-scale gene expression signatures reveal a microbicidal pattern of activation in Mycobacterium leprae-infected monocyte-derived macrophages with low multiplicity of infection

Leprosy is a disease with a clinical spectrum of presentations that is also manifested in diverse histological features. At one pole, lepromatous lesions (L-pole) have phagocytic foamy macrophages heavily parasitized with freely multiplying intracellular Mycobacterium leprae. At the other pole, the prese...

Effect of Mycobacterium leprae on neurotrophins expression in human Schwann cells and mouse sciatic nerves

BACKGROUND: Although Mycobacterium leprae (ML) is well characterised as the causative agent of leprosy, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying peripheral nerve damage still need further understanding. In vitro and in vivo studies have yielded insights into molecular mechanisms of ML interaction wit...

Palisaded encapsulated neuroma in tongue: a commonly misdiagnosed peripheral nerve sheath tumor

Palisaded encapsulated (solitary circumscribed) neuromas are benign neural tumors, rarely found in oral mucosa. This case reports a 24-year-old man that presented a unique soft nodule at the left side of the tongue. An excisional biopsy was performed under local anesthesia and histopathological examinati...

Myelination key factor krox‐20 is downregulated in Schwann cells and murine sciatic nerves infected by Mycobacterium leprae

Schwann cells (SCs) critically maintain the plasticity of the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral nerve injuries and infections stimulate SCs in order to retrieve homeostasis in neural tissues. Previous studies indicate that Mycobacterium leprae (ML) regulates the expression of key factors related to S...