Resultados: 28
Informe Epidemiológico - Sublinhagem Ômicron BQ1. Número 10/ 2022
Polypropylene oxygenators: risk of SARS-CoV-2 contamination in the operation theatre?
Int. j. artif. organs; 45 (1), 2022
It is established that coronaviruses are transmitted most through aerosols produced when an infected individual coughs or sneezes.1 Although there is no clear evidence of person-to-person airborne transmission, it is possible that part of this component could be due to microscopic respiratory droplets at...
COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury patients treated with renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit: A multicenter study in São Paulo, Brazil
PLos ONE; 17 (1), 2022
INTRODUCTION: Multicenter studies involving patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) associated with the disease caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and treated with renal replacement therapy (RRT) in developing countries are scarce. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the demographic profi...
Perfil epidemiológico dos casos de COVID-19 em uma cidade do noroeste paulista
Epidemiological profile of COVID-19 cases in a northwestern city paulista
BEPA, Bol. epidemiol. paul. (Impr.); 19 (217), 2022
Introdução: Em 11 de março de 2020 foi declarada pela Organização Mundial da
Saúde (OMS) a pandemia da doença pelo coronavírus 2019 (covid-19), responsável por
causar infecção respiratória aguda, potencialmente grave e de alta transmissibilidade,
o que elevou mundialmente o número de óbitos...
Prevalência de sintomas persistentes em indivíduos infectados pelo novo coronavírus após 30 dias de diagnóstico
Rev. Saúde Pública Paraná (Online); 4 (4), 2021
Após infecção aguda pelo SARS-CoV 2 os pacientes podem apresentar sintomas persistentes e heterogêneos que afetam órgãos e sistemas. O objetivo foi analisar a persistência de sintomas da COVID-19 após 30 dias do diagnóstico. Estudo transversal incluindo adultos maiores de 18 anos, a...
High risk coronavirus disease 2019: The primary results of the CoronaHeart multi-center cohort study
Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc; 36 (100853), 2021
BACKGROUND: Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) may present high risk features during hospitalization, including cardiovascular manifestations. However, less is known about the factors that may further increase the risk of death in these patients. METHODS: We included patients with COVID-19...
Patients with COVID-19 who experience a myocardial infarction have complex coronary morphology and high in-hospital mortality: Primary results of a nationwide angiographic study
Catheter. cardiovasc. interv; 98 (3), 2021
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to explore angiographic patterns and in-hospital outcomes of patients with concomitant coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) and myocardial infarction (MI). BACKGROUND: Patients with COVID-19 may experience MI during the course of the viral infection. However, this association is current...
Coronary artery bypass surgery in patients with COVID-19: What have we learned ?
Circ. Cardiovasc. qual. outcomes (Online); 14 (1), 2021
COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 led to the pandemic, causing unprecedented health and social crisis worldwide. Acute coronary syndromes patients, especially when coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is needed, may present with higher severity risk if affected by COVID-19. Extra...
Síndrome respiratória aguda grave em idosos e as respostas da gestão municipal de saúde: o caso do município de Franco da Rocha
Introdução: As evidências científicas indicam que o SARS-CoV-2 infecta indivíduos
de diferentes faixas etárias, no entanto, a população idosa apresenta um maior risco de
desenvolver complicações graves da COVID-19, entre elas a Síndrome Respiratória Aguda
Grave (SRAG), caracterizando esta pop...