Resultados: 4

24-hour Holter as a method for correlating symptoms and arrhythmic events

INTRODUCTION: Complaints of palpitations are widespread in clinical practice and, in most cases, require 24-hour Holter or prolonged monitoring. When the symptom is due to an arrhythmia, the possibility of obtaining an electrocardiographic record of the moment of the complaint is very useful and can help...

Left atrial function analysis in patients with functional mitral regurgitation associated with dilated cardiomyopathy

ABC., imagem cardiovasc; 35 (2), 2022
BACKGROUND: Functional mitral regurgitation (FMR) is associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (DC), heart failure (HF), and worsening left atrial function (LAF). Patients with DC and FMR may present left atrial dysfunction resulting from both ventricular dysfunction and valve disease, but it is unknown whe...

Long-Term Evaluation of the Vagal Denervation by Cardioneuroablation using Holter and Heart Rate Variability

ABSTRACT: Several disorders present reflex or persistent increase in vagal tone that may cause refractory symptoms even in a normal heart patient. Cardioneuroablation (CNA), the vagal denervation by RF ablation of the neuromyocardial interface, was developed to treat these conditions without pacemaker im...

Importância da monitorização eletrocardiográfica ambulatorial em pacientes assintomáticos em pós-operatório tardio de conexão cavopulmonar total
Importance of outpatient electrocardiographic monitoring in asymptomatic patients in the late postoperative period of total cavopulmonary connection

Arq. bras. cardiol; 115 (5 supl. 2), 2020