Resultados: 4

Detecção de mutações relacionadas a droga resistência no gene gyrB do Mycobacterium leprae
Detection of mutations related to drug resistance in the gyrB gene of Mycobacterium leprae

No Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) a resistência aos antimicrobianos dapsona (DDS), rifampicina (RIF) e ofloxacina (OFLO) se dá, primariamente, pela ocorrência de mutações em sequências conservadas dos genes folP1, rpoB e gyrA. Na rotina do Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima, muitos pacientes que apr...

Associação do poliformismo rs2228570 no gene VDR com o desfecho terapêutico em hanseníase
Association of rs2228570 polyformism in the VDR gene with therapeutic outcome in leprosy

A hanseníase é uma doença crônica que afeta principalmente os nervos periféricos e a pele, causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae, um parasita intracelular. O tratamento de primeira escolha na hanseníase é a poliquimioterapia (PQT) composta por rifampicina, dapsona e clofazimina. Estudos têm investiga...

Association of MICA and HLA‐B alleles with leprosy in two endemic populations in Brazil

Leprosy is a prevalent disease in Brazil, which ranks as the country with the second highest number of cases in the world. The disease manifests in a spectrum of forms, and genetic differences in the host can help to elucidate the immunopathogenesis. For a better understanding of MICA association with le...

HLA-DPB1 and HLA-C alleles are associated with leprosy in a Brazilian population

Despite intense efforts, the number of new cases of leprosy has remained significantly high over the past 20 years. Host genetic background is strongly linked to the pathogenesis of this disease, which is caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae), and there is a consensus that the most significant genet...