Resultados: 4

Avaliação do perfil de citocinas séricas e óxido nítrico na hanseníase experimental murina

Hansen. int; 49 (), 2024
Introdução: a hanseníase é uma do-ença infecciosa crônica causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae), um para-sita intracelular obrigatório. Assim, a resis-tência do hospedeiro a esse patógeno depen-de da imunidade celular. O uso de modelos experimentais tem permitido...

Association of MICA and HLA‐B alleles with leprosy in two endemic populations in Brazil

Leprosy is a prevalent disease in Brazil, which ranks as the country with the second highest number of cases in the world. The disease manifests in a spectrum of forms, and genetic differences in the host can help to elucidate the immunopathogenesis. For a better understanding of MICA association with le...

TLR-9 Plays a Role in Mycobacterium leprae-Induced Innate Immune Activation of A549 Alveolar Epithelial Cells

The respiratory tract is considered the main port of entry of Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy. However, the great majority of individuals exposed to the leprosy bacillus will never manifest the disease due to their capacity to develop protective immunity. Besides acting as a physical...

Murine experimental leprosy: evaluation of immune response by analysis of peritoneal lavage cells and footpad histopathology

This study evaluated the immune response of nude and BALB/c mice inoculated in the footpads (FP) with Mycobacterium leprae after 3, 5 and 8 months. At each timepoint peritoneal cells, peripheral blood, FP and popliteal lymph nodes (PLN) were collected. Peritoneal cell cultures were performed to measure t...