Resultados: 3

Colesterol não controlado em indivíduos com hipercolesterolemia grave acompanhados em um programa de avaliação da saúde no Brasil
Uncontrolled Cholesterol in Individuals with Severe Hypercholesterolemia in a Health Evaluation Program in Brazil

Arq. bras. cardiol; 121 (11), 2024
FUNDAMENTO Indivíduos com hipercolesterolemia grave (HG) são considerados sob alto risco de desenvolverem aterosclerose e devem ser intensivamente tratados com medicamentos hipolipemiantes, visando uma redução nos níveis de LDL-Colesterol ≥50% e uma meta <70 mg/dL. OBJETIVOS Este estudo teve como ...

Identification of APOB variants in samples from the brazilian population with hypercholesterolemic phenotype

Atherosclerosis; 379 (Suppl 1), 2023
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Apolipoprotein B plays a crucial role in regulating plasma cholesterol by mediating the interaction of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) with LDL receptors in the liver. Inherited mutations in this gene may increase the risk of developing premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease,...

Genomics, epigenomics and pharmacogenomics of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FHBGEP): A study protocol

Res. soc. adm. pharm; 17 (7), 2021
BACKGROUND: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. OBJECTIVES: The study protocol FHBGEP was design to investigate the main genomic, epigenomic, and pharmacogenomic factors associated with FH and polygenic hypercholesterolemia (PH). METHODS: FH ...