Resultados: 3

Factors interfering with the production of Histoplasma capsulatum antigens

Histoplasma capsulatum causes systemic mycosis that depends on host susceptibility, fungal virulence, and factors associated with the infectious process. We evaluated the possible interference of the phenotype of 12 samples of H. capsulatum isolated from HIV-positive and negative patients in obtaining ...

Multiparametric assay of screening for the diagnosis of mycoses of interest in Public Health: standardization of methodology

The standardization and validation of a multiplex assay requires the combination of important parameters such as sensitivity and specificity, acceptable levels of performance, robustness, and reproducibility. We standardized a multiparametric Dot-blot aimed at the serological screening ...

Boletim epidemiológico: perfil de pacientes com micoses sistêmicas notificados de 2013 a 2018 em hospital de referência do estado de Goiás
Epidemiological bulletin: profile of patients with systemic mycoses notified from 2013 to 2018 in a reference hospital in the state of Goiás

Micoses Sistêmicas são infecções fúngicas causadas por patógenos primários cujo trato respiratório é utilizado como porta de entrada, mas ocasionalmente se disseminam para todo o organismo. As micoses sistêmicas consideradas endêmicas no Brasil são: paracoccidioidomicose, histoplasmose, cocci...