Resultados: 2

Polypropylene oxygenators: risk of SARS-CoV-2 contamination in the operation theatre?

Int. j. artif. organs; 45 (1), 2022
It is established that coronaviruses are transmitted most through aerosols produced when an infected individual coughs or sneezes.1 Although there is no clear evidence of person-to-person airborne transmission, it is possible that part of this component could be due to microscopic respiratory droplets at...

Benefits of continuous monitoring of PCO2 obtained from a system applied to membrane oxygenator exhaustion of the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit

OBJECTIVE: To observe the impact of the use of capnography system adapted to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). To measure the concordance between values obtained from continuous monitoring of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in membrane oxygenator exhaustion (PeCO2) and the results observed on arterial blo...