Drug-Coated Balloons: Hope or Hot Air: Update on the Role of Coronary DCB

Curr. cardiol. rep; 20 (10), 2018
Ano de publicação: 2018

Purpose of review:

The present manuscript reviews the mechanism of action of drug-coated balloons (DCBs), offering a brief summary of the main clinical evidence on these devices.

Recent findings:

DCBs are regular semi-compliant balloons coated with antiproliferative agents that are rapidly released on contact with the vessel intima, exerting an anti-restenotic effect. This technology may offer some benefits of drug-eluting stents, in particular for the treatment of restenotic lesions, small vessels, and in patients at high-bleeding risk, when the prolonged dual antiplatelet regimen should be avoided. Most recent data have pointed to a possible benefit of these devices in treating bare metal stents (BMS) or drug-eluting stents in-stent restenosis (DES ISR), effectively reducing the recurrence of restenosis and avoiding additional layers of metal in the same coronary segment. In other clinical scenarios such as bifurcations, small vessels, and de novo lesions, data is more scarce and the benefits are still unclear. There are potential benefits related to the use of DCB in selected populations. However, larger clinical trials with longer follow-up are still needed to confirm the enthusiastic initial results.

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