Coronary ectasia as a cause of acute myocardial infarction

Arq. bras. cardiol; 119 (4 supl.1), 2022
Ano de publicação: 2022


Aneurysmal dilatation of the coronary arteries is found in up to 5% of the patients undergoing coronary angiography, with higher incidence in men and proximal segments of the coronary artery. The right coronary artery (RCA) is more affected (40%), followed by the left Anterior Descending (AD) (32%). Atherosclerosis, vasculitis, genetic susceptibility and post infection are reported as possible etiologies. The presence of coronary aneurysm or ectasia has been associated with a worse long-term prognosis.


Female, 48 years old, with no previous diseases, presented with an unprecedented typical chest pain after performing moderate physical exertion. On the electrocardiogram it was observed sinus rhythm with electrically inactive area in the inferior wall and positive troponin. Performed coronary angiography that showed important ectasia of RCA, AD with mild ectasia in the proximal third and other arteries with discrete parietal irregularities. Echocardiogram shows akinesia of the inferolateral wall and of the middle and basal segments of the inferior wall and ejection fraction 58%. The angiotomography of coronary arteries confirmed ectasia of RCA, measuring in its largest diameters 10.8x10.4mm and thrombosis in the distal third. Started anticoagulation with warfarin and clopidogrel together with antianginal drugs and after treatment she got angina improvement and had no new thromboembolic events.


Aneurysmal dilatation of the coronary vessels is an unusual. Antiplatelets and anticoagulation are the most addressed therapy, but there are possibilities of performing percutaneous coronary intervention or surgical resection. The treatment is still controversial, requiring more randomized studies to define the best and safest treatment strategy.

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