Células escamosas atípicas de significado indeterminado (ASC-US): seguimento de exames analisados no Instituto Adolfo Lutz
Atypical squamous cells of indeterminate significance (ASC-US): follow-up of assay in Instituto Adolfo Lutz

RBAC. (Online); (), 2018
Ano de publicação: 2018

Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) is a very subjective category, defined as changes suggestive of lesion, but which are qualitatively or quantitatively insufficient for a definitive interpretation as such. Studies report that approximately 75% of cases returning to normal in cytology analysis repeat, but some of them in histology are lesions with high neoplastic potential.


To evaluate the follow-up of women diagnosed with ASC-US and adhesion to Brazilian guidelines.


It was made a research for the subsequent exams of diagnoses of ASC-US in 2015, whose exams were analyzed at the Pathologic Anatomy department from Adolfo Lutz Institute. The mean time of repetition, age and subsequent diagnosis were evaluated.


Of all evaluated women, 71.7% repeated the cytology in the studied period, with a mean interval of 9 months and an average age of 37 years. In the cytology of repetition, 77.7% were negative. Of the altered repetitions, 1.7% were HSIL in cytology. In the histology,13.3% (4/30) were NIC 2 or NIC 3 and 3.3% (1/30) were cancer. According Brazilian guidelines, 17.5% of women under 25 years of age, 39.9% between 25 and 64 years old, and 34.4% of those over 65, repeated the Pap smear at the recommended interval.


Most of the subsequent results were negative; however, a considerable proportion of the women had altered repetition tests. Of the histopathological examinations performed, the majority presented a result of cervicitis; however, more lesions that are serious were detected in 16.6% of these women, evidencing the importance of appropriate follow-up and investigation

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