Assessment of left atrial function in individuals with resistant hypertension by advanced echocardiography

J. hypertens; 41 (Suppl. 3), 2023
Ano de publicação: 2023


Resistant hypertension is a challenging phenotype within the hypertension (HTN) spectrum, requiring careful assessment and follow-up. Evaluation of left atrial function may be clinically informative, but is commonly neglected. Strain and three-dimensional echocardiography (3D ECHO) may be useful complementary tools for assessing atrial function among hypertensive patients.


96 eligible adult patients were categorized into three groups: resistant hypertensive (RH), controlled hypertensive (CH), and normotensive (N), and underwent advanced echocardiography techniques to identify specific morphofunctional changes in the left atrium (LA) throughout different HTN phenotypes.


As shown in Figure 1, LA reservoir strain was significantly lower among RH than N and CH patients (p < 0.001). Accordingly, LA conduit strain showed a gradient through the groups: higher among N, followed by CH and RH (p = 0.015). LA contraction strain was higher among CH than N and RH (p = 0.02). Maximum indexed, pre-A, and minimum atrial volumes obtained by 3D ECHO showed differences between N and the others (p < 0.001), but not between CH and RH. N showed higher fraction of passive emptying of the LA than the others (p = 0.02), with no difference between CH and RH. Total emptying of the LA only differed between the extreme groups N and RH, being lower in the latter, while active emptying of the LA showed no difference between the groups (p = 0.82).


Advanced echocardiography measures, especially LA strain, proved to be early markers of atrial myocardial damage in both RH and CH. We demonstrated for the first time that morphofunctional changes in the LA due to resistant hypertension may occur concomitantly and even independently from those observed in the left ventricle.

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