Comunicação de evidências de pesquisa para formuladores de políticas: uma rápida revisão de escopo sobre estruturas, orientações e ferramentas, e barreiras e facilitadores
Research evidence communication for policy-makers: a rapid scoping review on frameworks, guidance and tools, and barriers and facilitators
Health res. policy syst; 22 (1), 2024
Ano de publicação: 2024
Background Communication is a multifaceted process, ranging from linear, one-way approaches, such as transmitting a simple message, to continuous exchanges and feedback loops among stakeholders. In particular the COVID19 pandemic underscored the critical need for timely, efective and credible evidence communication to increase
awareness, levels of trust, and evidence uptake in policy and practice. However, whether to improve policy responses in crises or address more commonplace societal challenges, comprehensive guidance on evidence communication to decision-makers in health policies and systems remains limited. Our objective was to identify and systematize the global evidence on frameworks, guidance and tools supporting efective communication of research evidence to facilitate knowledge translation and evidence-informed policy-making processes, while also addressing barriers and facilitators. Methods We conducted a rapid scoping review following the Joanna Briggs Manual. Literature searches were performed across eight indexed databases and two sources of grey literature, without language or time restrictions. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed, and a narrative-interpretative synthesis was applied to present the fndings. Results We identifed 16 documents presenting either complete frameworks or framework components, including guidance and tools, aimed at supporting evidence communication for policy development. These frameworks outlined strategies, theoretical models, barriers and facilitators, as well as insights into policy-makers’ perspectives, communication needs, and preferences. Three primary evidence communication strategies, comprising eleven substrategies, emerged: “Health information packaging”, “Targeting and tailoring messages to the audience”, and“Combined communication strategies”. Based on the documented barriers and facilitators at micro, meso and macro levels, critical factors for successful communication of evidence to policy-makers were identifed. Conclusions Efective communication is indispensable for facilitating knowledge translation and evidenceinformed policy-making. Nonetheless gaps persist in frameworks designed to enhance research communication