Braz J Cardiovasc Surg; 40 (1), 2025
Ano de publicação: 2025
The Biopsychosocial Prognosis Scale for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (BIPROSCAB) assesses biophysical symptoms and psychosocial experiences following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), thereby enabling the targeting of interventions to improve post-procedure biopsychosocial prognosis. The aim of this study was to adapt the BIPROSCAB for use in Brazil and assess the content validity of the adapted version.METHODS:
For the cross-cultural adaptation, English-Portuguese translations, synthesis of translations, back-translations, assessment of back-translations for conceptual consistency by the authors of the original instrument, and evaluation of semantic, idiomatic, cultural, and conceptual equivalences by 11 expert judges were performed. Modifications were made based on suggestions until consensus > 80% was achieved. For the content validity assessment, experts assessed the clarity, theoretical relevance, and practical pertinence of the items, which were considered adequate when the content validity ratio (CVR) > 0.635. Post-CABG patients completed the questionnaire and evaluated understandability of the items.RESULTS:
Three rounds were required to achieve the desired agreement in the cross-cultural adaptation process. In the content evaluation by experts, only one round was needed, with CVR > 0.635. Following content evaluation by patients, it was decided to reverse the order of the response scale to an ascending order.CONCLUSION:
The Brazilian version, BIPROSCAB-Br, is equivalent to the original instrument and has satisfactory evidence of content validity. Additional psychometric assessments are needed for use in Brazil