Results: 12

Métodos de avaliação cognitiva de pacientes com Síndrome de Apert e de Crouzon

A Craniossinostose Coronal bilateral implica em diminuição do Perímetro Craniano (PC) no eixo ântero-posterior (Braquicefalia) e frequentemente se associa ao aumento do eixo céfalo-caudal (vertical-altura) do crânio (Turricefalia), sendo um dos achados mais comuns nas Síndromes de Crouzon e Apert....

Executive function performance in middle-aged adults

ABSTRACT. Executive functions have been widely studied in the extreme of ages, but studies in middle-aged adults remain largely neglected. Education and gender are known to influence cognitive performance; however, their effect on executive function in middle-aged adults remains unclear. Objective: The ...

Lower extremities task of pressing an "accelerator" or a "brake": association with traffic accidents in older drivers - a preliminary study

ABSTRACT Traffic accidents by older drivers are a social urgent problem. The National Police Agency (NPA) in Japan has institutionalized the Cognitive Function Test (NPA test) for renewal of a driver's license for older adults. However, driving ability cannot be simply evaluated by usual cognitive tests ...

Working memory assessment using cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery can help in the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis

ABSTRACT Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is an interstitial state between normal aging and dementia. Objective: In this study, we investigated working memory (WM) profiles of MCI patients using the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). We also examined the diagnostic accuracy and...

Long-term studies in cognitive training for older adults: a systematic review

ABSTRACT. Studies show that aging is accompanied by losses in cognitive functions and that interventions can increase performance and/or support the maintenance of cognitive skills in the elderly. Objective: The objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review of long-term studies involving ...

Clock drawing test: comparison between the Pfizer and the Shulman systems

ABSTRACT Cognitive decline can be screened by the clock drawing test (CDT), which has several versions. Objective: This survey aimed to analyze the correlation between two simple methods for scoring the CDT. Methods: This cross-sectional study was nested in the Elo-Creati cohort from Passo Fundo, Brazi...

Evidence of the validity of a novel version of the computerized cognitive screening battery CompCog

ABSTRACT Although the availability of the computer-based assessment has increased over the years, neuropsychology has not carried out a significant paradigm shift since the personal computer's popularization in the 1980s. To keep up with the technological advances of healthcare and neuroscience in genera...

Estandarización de pruebas neuropsicológicas para la evaluación del lenguaje en estudiantes universitarios

Objetivo. Esta investigación presenta los resultados de un estudio de estandarización de pruebas para la evaluación del lenguaje. Metodología. La muestra estuvo conformada por 208 estudiantes universitarios de Manizales, en el caso de Test de Asociación controlada de palabras (COW)-FAS, y por 125 e...

Desempenho de idosos em simulador de direção e cognição

Introdução: Dirigir automóvel é importante para manter a independência, autonomia e qualidade de vida e requer a integridade das funções cognitivas, as quais tendem a diminuir com o envelhecimento, podendo interferir nas habilidades necessárias para a direção segura. Testes neuropsicológicos p...