Abstract Impediment to local anesthetic solution in the epidural space results in unsatisfactory pain relief during labor epidural. Patients with a history of back trauma and spinal instrumentation have increased rates of epidural failure due to patchy spread of local anesthetic with obliterated epidural...
ABSTRACT Objetives: To investigate the association between analgesia during labor and occurrence of neonatal outcomes. Methods: Retrospective cohort study with medical records of 850 parturient. The exposure variable of interest was receiving pharmacological analgesia during labor and neonatal outcomes...
Analgesia Obstétrica/efectos adversos,
Analgesia Obstétrica/métodos,
Puntaje de Apgar,
Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado,
Estudios de Cohortes,
Trabajo de Parto/efectos de los fármacos,
Modelos Logísticos,
Oportunidad Relativa,
Resultado del Embarazo/epidemiología,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Factores de Riesgo
ABSTRACT Objetives: To investigate the association between analgesia during labor and occurrence of neonatal outcomes. Methods: Retrospective cohort study with medical records of 850 parturient. The exposure variable of interest was receiving pharmacological analgesia during labor and neonatal outcomes...
Analgesia Obstétrica/efectos adversos,
Analgesia Obstétrica/estadística & datos numéricos,
Trabajo de Parto/efectos de los fármacos,
Analgesia Obstétrica/Métodos,
Puntaje de Apgar,
Estudios de Cohortes,
Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología,
Resultado del Embarazo/epidemiología,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Factores de Riesgo
Abstract Objective To compare low doses of pethidine with dipyrone in labor analgesia. Methods In a randomized prospective study conducted by Universidade de Fortaleza, in the state of Ceará, Brazil, between May and December 2016, 200 full-term parturients, with very painful uterine contractions and...
Abstract Introduction: Lumbar epidural block is an effective and routinely used technique for labor pain relief, and the combined spinal-epidural block has the benefit of using lower doses of local anesthetics and rapid onset of analgesia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness an...
Abstract Currently, epidural analgesia is a common procedure for labor analgesia. Although it is considered a safe technique, it is not without complications. Horner's syndrome and paresthesia within the trigeminal nerve distribution are rare complications of epidural analgesia. We report a case of a pre...
INTRODUCCIÓN: El dolor que se asocia al trabajo de parto (TDP) afecta a todas las mujeres y puede producir alteraciones tanto maternas como fetales, e incluso interferir con el desarrollo normal del proceso. OBJETIVO: Conocer el grado de cumplimiento de solicitud de analgesia peridural en partos vagina...
Abstract Introduction: The majority of women having planned cesarean section receive spinal anesthesia for the procedure. Typically, spinal opioids are administered during the same time as a component of multimodal analgesia to provide pain relief in the 16-24 h period postoperatively. The quadratus lum...
Abstract Background: There is evidence that administration of a programmed intermittent epidural bolus (PIEB) compared to continuous epidural infusion (CEI) leads to greater analgesia efficacy and maternal satisfaction with decreased anesthetic interventions. Methods: In this study, 166 women with viab...