Results: 11

Aranhas de interesse médico no Brasil
Spiders of medical interest in Brazil

O documento apresenta informações sobre aranhas de importância médica no Brasil. Descreve a estrutura externa das aranhas e destaca três gêneros de importância em saúde pública: aranha-marrom (Loxosceles), aranha-armadeira ou macaca (Phoneutria) e viúva-negra (Latrodectus). Traz imagens dessas ...

Widow spiders in the New World: a review on Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805 (Theridiidae) and latrodectism in the Americas

Humankind has always been fascinated by venomous animals, as their toxic substances have transformed them into symbols of power and mystery. Over the centuries, researchers have been trying to understand animal venoms, unveiling intricate mixtures of molecules and their biological effects. Among venomous...

Latrodectismo en la provincia de Jujuy: Aspectos epidemiológicos y clínicos

Acta toxicol. argent; 23 (3), 2015
En Argentina, las especies de arañas de importancia sanitaria pertenecen a los géneros Loxosceles, Phoneutria y Latrodectus. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue relevar los accidentes producidos por el género Latrodectus atendidos en el centro de referencia y derivación provincial de animales veneno...

First report of brown widow spider sightings in Peninsular Malaysia and notes on its global distribution

Background:The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841) has colonised many parts of the world from its continent of origin, Africa. By at least 1841, the species had successfully established populations in South America and has more recently expanded its range to the southern states of Nor...

Physiological and biochemical characterization of egg extract of black widow spiders to uncover molecular basis of egg toxicity

Biol. Res; 47 (), 2014
BACKGROUND: Black widow spider (L. tredecimguttatus) has toxic components not only in the venomous glands, but also in other parts of the body and its eggs. It is biologically important to investigate the molecular basis of the egg toxicity. RESULTS: In the present work, an aqueous extract was prepared f...

Envenomation caused by Latrodectus geometricus in São Paulo state, Brazil: a case report

Widow spiders (Latrodectus spp.), also known as "black widows", have a worldwide distribution and can cause latrodectism. To the best of our knowledge, in Brazil, only one case of Latrodectus geometricus (Koch, 1841) envenomation in a human has been reported. The aim of the present report is to describe ...


Rev. chil. infectol; 13 (4), 1996
Numerosas especies de artrópodos poseen veneno capaz de producir enfermedad en el ser humano. Por su severidad y frecuencia, debe destacarse la causa por arácnidos (aracnidismo), especialmente la producida por el género Latrodectus (Orden Araneida), capaz de desencadenar un cuadro neurotóxico grave, ...

Epidemiologia del latrodectismo en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Epidemiology of latrodectism in province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rev. saúde pública; 26 (1), 1992
Säo relatados os resultados do latrodecismo e seu tratamento específico durante um período de 10 anos (1979-1988), em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Säo evidenciados dados de distribuiçäo de acidentes por ano, meses, por sexo, residência do acidentado, regiäo corporal da picada, sintomas apresentados, ...