Results: 15

Assembly and use of a low-cost paracentesis simulator for the teaching of puncture and drainage of ascites

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 49 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objectives: to describe the assembly of a low-cost paracentesis simulator and evaluate its effectiveness, acceptance and impact on the learning of medical students. Methodology: a paracentesis simulator was built using a mannequin and materials such as plastic bottles, Velcro, polyvinyl chlo...

Impacto respiratório e sintomatológico do alívio da ascite através da paracentese em pacientes com cirrose hepática

Arq. gastroenterol; 57 (1), 2020
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Liver cirrhosis is a highly prevalent disease that, at an advanced stage, usually causes ascites and associated respiratory changes. However, there are few studies evaluating and quantifying the impact of ascites and its relief through paracentesis on lung function and symptoms suc...

Hidrotórax hepático: presentación de 3 casos con diferentes enfoques terapéuticos

El hidrotórax hepático (HH) se define como un derrame pleural mayor de 500 ml en pacientes con cirrosis e hipertensión portal. Representa una complicación infrecuente por lo general asociada con ascitis y su origen se relaciona con el paso de líquido ascítico a través de pequeños defectos en el d...

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Procedural Techniques for Large Volume Paracentesis

Ann. hepatol; 16 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Introduction. The aim of this study is to investigate large volume therapeutic paracentesis using either a z-tract or axial (coxial) technique in a randomized controlled trial. Materials and methods. In this randomized, single blind study, patients with cirrhosis undergoing outpatient therap...

Paracentesis masiva con reposición de dextran 70 vs albúmina en pacientes cirróticos con ascitis a tensión
Dextran 70 vs albumin after total paracentesis in cirrhotic

Rev. gastroenterol. Méx; 60 (1), 1995
Algunos estudios han demostrado que la paracentesis con extracción de grandes volúmenes de ascitis conduce a insuficiencia renal e hiponatremia, y que la infusión intravenosa de expansores del plasma previenen estas complicaciones. Realizamos un estudio en el que comparamos la efectividad del dextran ...