Results: 47

Nocardiosis diseminada en paciente con glomeruloesclerosis focal y segmentaria

Rev. méd. Maule; 39 (2), 2024
Nocardiosis is a rare infectious disease caused by a group of bacteria of the genus Nocardia in immunocompromised patients and can affect practically any organ, the most common being the lung, central nervous system and skin. We present the case of a patient with primary focal and segmental glomeruloscle...

Encefalitis autoinmune posible, debut de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 y anticuerpos Anti-GAD65: ¿Coincidencia o relación patogénica? Reporte de un caso

Las encefalitis son un grupo de entidades graves caracterizadas por alteración del estado mental, alteraciones de memoria y crisis epiléptica, entre otras manifestaciones neurológicas.El sustrato neuropatológico es la inflamación del tejido cerebral debido a diversas etiologías, entre éstas, las e...

Evaluación del panel de enfermedades hepáticas autoinmunes (INMUNOBLOT) en el diagnóstico de enfermedades hepáticas

Rev. méd. Chile; 151 (4), 2023
INTRODUCTION: For the diagnosis of liver diseases, clinical criteria, biochemical, immunological and histological parameters are included. The autoimmune panel is an immunoblot that contemplates the detection of antibodies against 9 different hepatic antigens, which could guide the diagnosis of these pat...

Hepatopatías autoinmunes. Hallazgos clínicos y de laboratorio en pacientes de un hospital de referencia nacional

Hepatología; 2 (2), 2021
Introducción. Las enfermedades autoinmunes del hígado son un grupo de patologías caracterizadas por una respuesta autoinmune contra los hepatocitos y/o el epitelio biliar. Sus manifestaciones clínicas son variadas, con alteraciones en las pruebas de función hepática y presencia de autoanticuerpos. ...

Congenital complete atrioventricular heart block in a pregnant woman with sjögren syndrome: prenatal care follow-up and the challenge of intrauterine treatment

Abstract The present report describes a case of complete atrioventricular block (CAVB) diagnosed at 25 weeks of gestation in a pregnant woman with Sjögren's syndrome and positive anti-Ro/SSA antibodies. Fluorinated steroids (dexamethasone and betamethasone) and terbuline were used to increase the fetal ...

Manifestaciones clínicas y anticuerpos asociados y específicos de miositis en 15 pacientes chilenos con dermatomiositis: serie clínica en un centro universitario

Rev. méd. Chile; 148 (2), 2020
Background: Certain associated and specific myositis antibodies are related to certain clinical phenotypes of dermatomyositis (DM), disease severity and the presence of cancer. Aim: To describe the clinical profile of Chilean patients with DM and their associated and specific myositis antibodies. Mater...

Evaluation of the structure, autoimmunity, and functions of the thyroid gland in familial Mediterranean fever patients

ABSTRACT Objective Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive autoinflammatory disorder that is frequently seen in the eastern Mediterranean region. The thyroid gland can be affected in FMF patients through autoimmunity or amyloidosis. Here, we aimed to evaluate the structure and func...

Evaluation of frequency of autoimmune hepatitis autoantibodies in children with type 1 diabetes

Background: Diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM) is one of the childhood diseases with growing prevalence. Various accompanying autoimmune diseases were seen with type 1 diabetes. The most common autoimmune diseases with T1DM are autoimmune thyroiditis and celiac disease. In some reports, autoimmune hepatitis...

Serum Annexin V and Anti-Annexin V levels and their relationship with metabolic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes

SUMMARY BACKGROUND We investigated the serum annexin V and anti-annexin V levels and their relationship with metabolic parameters in patients recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic. METHODS A total of 143 patients recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes and 133 control subjects were included in the study. Bod...

Association of kir2dl2 gene with anti-cyclic citrullinated protein antibodies for serodiagnosis in rheumatoid arthritis

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (3), 2019
Rheumatoid arthritis is a clinical autoimmune syndrome that causes joint damage. The positive or negative anti-cyclic citrullinated protein (CCP) antibodies serodiagnosis differentiates two subsets of the disease, each with different genetic background. Previous studies have identified associations betwe...