This work aimed to describe the skeletopy of the medullary cone of the capuchin monkey (Sapajus apella) and to lay morphological foundations to propose a route of administration for epidural anesthesia. We used five females adults S.apella, and dissected them to study their medullary cone. The fixated an...
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Goiás State, which is in the midwest region of Brazil, has several urban forests. This fact, along with the expansion of urban areas within the limits of Forest Conservation Units, increases the contact between humans and wildlife, such as capuchin monkeys. The impulsive behavio...
Resumo Quando buscamos entender o comportamento humano, comparações com primatas não humanos são especialmente relevantes para identificar homoplasias (características semelhantes que evoluem independentemente em diferentes espécies). Neste artigo, apresentamos um estudo longitudinal de dois anos s...
O Cebus apella é uma espécie protegida por lei, contribui para a manutenção dos ecossistemas florestais com comportamento social semelhante aos humanos. Descrevemos a topografia das áreas cerebrais do Cebus apella, para observar e descrever a organização dos sulcos e lobos em cada hemisfério cere...
RBC count plays an important role in animal diagnosis. Despite the many technologies available in different automated hematology analyzers, when it comes to the blood of wild animals it is still difficult to find an easy and affordable solution for multiple species. This study aims to evaluate the propos...
The anatomical comparative studies among the primates are important for the investigation of ethology, evolution, taxonomy, and comprehension of tools by hominoids. Especially the anatomical knowledge of Cebus contributes to conservation of the species, and to development of surgical procedures and clini...
A "second generation" matching-to-sample procedure that minimizes past sources of artifacts involves (1) successive discrimination between sample stimuli, (2) stimulus displays ranging from four to 16 comparisons, (3) variable stimulus locations to avoid unwanted stimulus-location control, and (4) high a...
O estudo da morfologia contribui para a percepção das experiências biológicas vividas em diversos tempos e espaços. Para dar continuidade a trabalhos existentes na vascularização encefálica de primatas neo-tropicais realizamos este trabalho. Utilizamos 57 hemisférios cerebelares do macaco prego,...
The aim of this study was to adapt a mechanical procedure for the isolation of intact preantral follicles from Cebus apella ovaries. The interval effect of serial sections of the tissue chopper was tested on a number of preantral follicles isolated from ovaries (n=6) of three C. apella females, two prepu...