Results: 11

Testicular arteries anatomy applied to fowler-sthephens surgery in high undescended testis - a narrative review

Int. braz. j. urol; 48 (1), 2022
ABSTRACT Objectives: In this review we will describe the testicular vessels anatomy and the implications of these vessels in surgical treatment of high undescended testis. Material and Methods: We performed a narrative review of the literature about the role of the testicular arteries anatomy in the tr...

Does a bilateral polypropylene mesh alter the duct deferens morphology, testicular size and testosterone levels? Experimental study in rats

Acta cir. bras; 35 (2), 2020
Abstract Purpose To evaluate the effect of a PP mesh on duct deferens morphology, testicular size and testosterone levels. Methods Forty adult male rats were distributed into groups: 1) no surgery; 2) inguinotomy; 3) mesh placed on the duct deferens; and 4) mesh placed on the spermatic funiculus. Aft...

Factores asociados a las complicaciones de la cirugía electiva de las hernias inguinales
Factors associated with the complications of elective surgery of inguinal hernias

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 48 (4), 2019
Introducción: La hernia inguinal es una de las enfermedades que más comúnmente requiere tratamiento operatorio y representa entre el 10- 15 por ciento de todas las intervenciones programadas. El porcentaje de complicaciones posoperatorias es de 5- 10 por ciento y aunque no son totalmente evitables, de...

Vasitis: a clinical confusion diagnosis with inguinal hernia

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (3), 2019
Abstract Vasitis or inflammation of the vas deferens is a rarely described condition categorized as either generally asymptomatic vasitis nodosa or the acutely painful infectious vasitis. Vasitis nodosa, the commonly described inflammation of the vas deferens, is benign and usually associated with a hist...

Liposarcoma del cordón espermático simulando una hernia inguinal incarcerada

Rev. cir. (Impr.); 71 (2), 2019
INTRODUCCIÓN: Los tumores paratesticulares representan del 7%-10% de las masas intraescrotales. Los sarcomas abarcan el 90% de las lesiones malignas del cordón espermático y de éstas, aproximadamente, el 3%-7% son liposarcomas. CASO CLÍNICO: Presentamos el caso de un varón de 45 años, que consult...

Liposarcoma paratesticular gigante

Introducción Los liposarcomas son lesiones que se originan en el tejido mesodérmico, su localización paratesticular es muy rara. Se divide en 4 subtipos histológicos, siendo el mixoide el más infrecuente. Tiene una recurrencia del 70%, Por lo que su tratamiento inicial debe ser agresivo. Objetivo...

Measurement of testicular volume in Wistar rats using a caliper and ultrasonography in experimental surgery

Acta cir. bras; 31 (7), 2016
ABSTRACT PURPOSE: To compare the measurement of the testicular volume of Wistar rats using a caliper and ultrasonography. METHODS: Forty Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups. A tensile force of 1.6 Newton (N) and 1.0 N was applied to the right spermatic cord in group I and group II, res...

Metastatic tumour of spermatic cords, epididymis and seminiferous duct from gastric carcinoma

West Indian med. j; 62 (9), 2013
Metastatic tumour of spermatic cords, epididymis and seminiferous duct from gastric carcinoma has been recently reported but rarely seen. A case of metastatic tumour from gastric carcinoma in a 50-year old man is herein reported. The initial diagnosis was thickening of both spermatic cords. Needle biopsy...

Pseudotumor fibroso calcificado del cordón espermático
Calcified fibrous pseudotumor of spermatic cord

Rev. cuba. cir; 48 (4), 2009
Los tumores paratesticulares son infrecuentes y la mayoría benignos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 24 años de edad, con antecedentes de buena salud que asistió a la consulta por notarse en el escroto derecho un tumor de aproximadamente 4 cm de diámetro, de consistencia dura e indoloro, de uno...

Histologia do funículo espermático do cateto (Tayassu tajacu)

J. Health Sci. Inst; 26 (2), 2008
Introdução - O estudo dos aspectos histológicos dos funículos espermáticos do cateto (Tayassu tajacu), adultos, procura melhor conhecer a morfologia do aparelho reprodutor. Material e Métodos - Para a descrição histológica utilizou-se seis pares de funículos corados com hematoxilina-eosina, pic...