Results: 36

Programa educativo Sonrisas desde el vientre, para embarazadas de un hogar materno
Educational program Smiles from the womb, for pregnant women from a maternal home

Rev. medica electron; 44 (2), 2022
RESUMEN Introducción: el hogar materno es un lugar esencial para brindar educación para la salud y orientar a las futuras madres acerca de su salud bucal y la repercusión de esta en ella y su futuro bebé. Objetivo: diseñar un programa educativo de salud bucal para las embarazadas del Hogar Materno d...

Intervención educativa sobre estimulación temprana prenatal y hasta el primer año de vida
Educational intervention on prenatal early stimulation and up to the first year of life

Rev. medica electron; 44 (2), 2022
RESUMEN Introducción: la estimulación temprana favorece el desarrollo del bebé y tiene importantes beneficios. Objetivo: diseñar una intervención educativa sobre la estimulación temprana durante el período de gestación y hasta el primer año de vida, a gestantes pertenecientes al Hogar Materno de...

Curadorias inventivas e participativas: ensinagem e ação/reflexão sobre os cotidianos de estudantes durante a pandemia

Interface (Botucatu, Online); 25 (supl.1), 2021
Considerando a escassez de espaços efetivos e afetivos de criação, reflexão e escuta que incitem o processo ensino-aprendizagem durante a pandemia de Covid-19, estruturou-se um projeto de ensino intitulado Curadorias Inventivas e Participativas. O presente trabalho constitui relato de experiência do...

Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for sepsis detection

ABSTRACT Objectives: to present the nurses' experience with technological tools to support the early identification of sepsis. Methods: experience report before and after the implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms in the clinical practice of a philanthropic hospital, in the first half of ...

Implementation of the protocol of nursing care in trauma in aeromedical service

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the implementation of a nursing care protocol for trauma patients before, during and after the flight. Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study carried out in an aeromedical service, using a checklist with 106 care: 79 before flight, 25 during, and 2 after flight. 97 ...

Development and evaluation of an application for syphilis control

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop and evaluate an application for syphilis control in pregnant women. Method: methodological research developed between March and November of 2016 in two phases: bibliographic survey of the years 2012 to 2016 in the databases PubMed, CAPES and Scopus and application develop...

Institutional strategies to prevent violence in nursing work: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the production of research that adopted as object of investigation: institutional strategies, actions and programs to curb and/or prevent the nursing workplace violence. Method: Integrative review of 14 articles in full, available in the databases LILACS, PubMed Central, ...

Development and evaluation of a training model for paracentetic suprapubic cystostomy and catheterization

Clinics; 74 (), 2019
OBJECTIVES: Minimally invasive paracentetic suprapubic cystostomy is a technique that should be learned by all surgical trainees and residents. This study aimed to develop a self-made training model for paracentetic suprapubic cystostomy and placement of the suprapubic catheter and then to evaluate its e...

Violence against women: historical trajectory of a care program (Curitiba - 1997-2014)

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the historical trajectory and the contributions of the Programa de Atenção às Mulheres em Situação de Violência (Program of Care to Women Victims of Violence) of Curitiba. Method: Research with documentary and local approach, inspired by the Dimension of Political H...

Project HOPE: American nurses in Brazil (1973)

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the reality of nurses of Project HOPE and discuss the repercussion of their performance in relation to the reconfiguration of nursing in Alagoas State. Method: social-historical study, whose primary sources were documents filed in the Laboratory of Documentation and Rese...