Results: 11

El contacto piel a piel como promotor de la lactancia materna, y su posible relación con la disminución de la hiperbilirrubinemia
Skin-to-skin contact as a promoter of breastfeeding, and its possible relationship with the reduction of hyperbilirubinemia

Rev. pediatr. electrón; 18 (3), 2021
INTRODUCCIÓN: El contacto piel a piel (CPP) postparto es una práctica de atención de salud fuertemente aconsejada por la OMS, por los beneficios a largo y a corto plazo que conlleva tanto para la salud de la madre como para la del recién nacido. OBJETIVO: Realizar una búsqueda bibliográfica con el ...

Scar-free wound healing following full-thickness cutaneous wounding in the tail and body of Scincella tsinlingensis

Int. j. morphol; 39 (4), 2021
SUMMARY: The cutaneous wounds of trunk and tail healing scar-free or with scar were different in lizard species. Full- thickness cutaneous injuries of tail and body of Scincella tsinlingensis were examined by histomorphological and immunohistochemistrical methods. The results showed that all injuries hea...

Caracterización biomolecular mediante microespectroscopía FTIR en la fase de remodelación de la cicatrización en un modelo murino de lesión excisional

Int. j. morphol; 37 (4), 2019
La cicatrización de la piel es un proceso complejo y organizado que involucra tres fases: inflamatoria, proliferativa y de remodelación. Es indispensable el análisis de este proceso biomolecularmente para investigar y proponer nuevas estrategias terapéuticas que mejoren la cicatrización o promuevan ...

Influence of facial threading on various physiological parameters of the skin: non-randomized trial involving adult women in Taiwan

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (5), 2018
Abstract: Background: Facial threading involves the removal of hairs to restore facial skin smoothness. However, its effectiveness has not been rigorously evaluated. Objective: To evaluate effects of facial threading on skin roughness, hydration, melanin index, and vellus hair on the face, complemented...

Safety of a formulation containing chitosan microparticles with chamomile: blind controlled clinical trial

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the safety of a topical formulation containing chamomile microparticles coated with chitosan in the skin of healthy participants. Method: phase I blind, controlled, non-randomized, single-dose clinical trial with control for skin, base formulation, and formulation with m...

Two-point discrimination values vary depending on test site, sex and test modality in the orofacial region: a preliminary study

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (4), 2017
Abstract The two-point discrimination (TPD) test is one of the most commonly used neurosensory tests to assess mechanoperception in the clinical settings. While there have been numerous studies of functional sensibility of the hand using TPD test, there have been relatively not enough reports on TPD in t...

Skin barrier in rosacea

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (1), 2016
Abstract Recent studies about the cutaneous barrier demonstrated consistent evidence that the stratum corneum is a metabolically active structure and also has adaptive functions, may play a regulatory role in the inflammatory response with activation of keratinocytes, angiogenesis and fibroplasia, whose ...

Stem cells in dermatology

An. bras. dermatol; 89 (2), 2014
Preclinical and clinical research have shown that stem cell therapy could be a promising therapeutic option for many diseases in which current medical treatments do not achieve satisfying results or cure. This article describes stem cells sources and their therapeutic applications in dermatology today....

Desenvolvimento, estabilidade e liberaçäo in vitro de preparaçöes lipolíticas

A celulite, largamente questionada nos consultórios dermatológicos, ainda é considerada como transtorno estético irrelevante. Entretanto, a melhoria da aparência estética, almejada na atualidade, leva a pesquisas para um tratamento eficaz, cientificamente comprovado. Neste trabalho, foram desenvolv...