Results: 12

New bicompartmental model: an application for the production of gases using the in vitro technique

Semina ciênc. agrar; 44 (5), 2023
The purpose of this study was to propose a bicompartmental nonlinear model and to identify the best-performing model between the proposed model and the bicompartmental logistic (BL) mode regarding the quality of fit to the curve of cumulative gas production (CGP) using corn silage, sunflower, and their m...

Evaluation of lignocaine, dexmedetomidine, lignocaine-dexmedetomidine infusion on pain and quality of recovery for robotic abdominal hysterectomy: a prospective randomized controlled trial

Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.); 72 (5), 2022
Abstract Background: Acute postoperative pain is associated with poor quality of recovery after surgery. Perioperative use of intravenous lignocaine or dexmedetomidine have demonstrated better pain control, early return of bowel function, and effects on quality of recovery. Methods: Ninety-six women pl...

Causes of death in feedlot beef cattle and their control: a brief review

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (8), 2020
This review reports the leading causes of death in feedlot beef cattle. It describes economic losses resulting from these deaths and suggests control alternatives. Diseases associated with the respiratory and digestive systems were the most frequently observed. In different geographical areas, the import...

Gut microbiota and the use of probiotics in constipation in children and adolescents: systematic review

ABSTRACT Objective: To perform a systematic review of literature data on gut microbiota and the efficacy of probiotics for the treatment of constipation in children and adolescents. Data source: The research was performed in the PubMed, the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and the Latin ...

Hinchazón/distensión funcional: un enfoque práctico

Gastroenterol. latinoam; 28 (supl.1), 2017
Although abdominal bloating and distension are frequent symptoms, they are considered a challenge in medical practice. Treatment alternatives with varying efficacy levels, associated to the lack of knowledge about this problem, generate difficulties in the doctor–patient relation, and patient’s frust...

O mundo do trabalho e as pessoas estomizadas: percepções e sentimentos

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 15 (1), 2016
The aim of this study was to analyze the perception of people with stoma elimination of their inclusion in the working world. Qualitative,descriptive, exploratory search, held in Rio de Janeiro hospital. Participants were seven ostomy that were attending a support gr...

Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de estreñimiento en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad privada colombiana

Rev. colomb. enferm; 9 (1), 2014
Esta investigación buscó determinar la prevalencia de estreñimiento en los estudiantes de Enfermería de una universidad privada colombiana e identificar algunos factores de riesgo. La carencia de datos en el medio acerca del problema y las repercusiones que tienen en la calidad de vida de los jóvene...

Gases del abdomen su utilidad diagnóstica: gases endoluminales, primera parte
Abdominal gases and it diagnosis utility: endoluminal gases, first part

Rev. chil. radiol; 8 (1), 2002
La radiografía simple del abdomen sigue siendo un paso inicial y a veces el único examen de imágenes para diagnosticar cuerpos extraños; ingeridos o introducidos por orificios naturales o artificiales, voluntaria o involuntariamente. Sigue siendo muy útil en abdomen agudo, en que se sospecha ruptura...

Gases del abdomen su utilidad diagnostica: gases endoluminales II parte
Gases of the abdomen its utility diagnoses: endoluminal gases II part

Rev. chil. radiol; 8 (3), 2002
La radiografía simple del abdomen sigue siendo un paso inicial y a veces el único examen de imágenes necesario para diagnosticar cuerpos extraños; ingeridos o introducidos por orificios naturales o artificiales, voluntaria o involuntariamente. Es muy útil en abdomen agudo, cuando se sospecha rotura ...