Results: 10

Antimycobacterial and antimalarial activities of endophytic fungi associated with the ancient and narrowly endemic neotropical plant Vellozia gigantea from Brazil

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 112 (10), 2017
BACKGROUND Endophytic fungi, present mainly in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota phyla, are associated with different plants and represent important producers of bioactive natural products. Brazil has a rich biodiversity of plant species, including those reported as being endemic. Among the endemic Brazi...

Morphometry and retention time as forcing functions to establishment and maintenance of aquatic macrophytes in a tropical reservoir

Braz. j. biol; 76 (3), 2016
Abstract Macrophytes may constitute an important resource for several chemical, physical and biological processes within aquatic ecosystems. This study considers that in tropical reservoirs with low retention time and with low values of shoreline development (DL), the expansion and persistence of aquatic...

Clave para la determinación de las especies de "ysypo" nativas del Paraguay, cultivadas en el jardín de aclimatación de plantas nativas y medicinales FCQ-UNA
Key for the determination of the species of “ysypo” native from Paraguay , grown in the Jardín de Aclimatación de Plantas Nativas y Medicinales FCQUNA

Rojasiana; 11 (1-2), 2012
RESUMEN: En el Jardín de Aclimatación de Plantas Nativas y Medicinales FCQUNA existen 34 “ysypo” nativas, de los cuales una especie pertenece a la clase Filicopsida (helechos), cinco a la clase Liliopsida (Monocotiledóneas) y 28 corresponden a la clase Magnoliopsida (Dico...