La osteoporosis es una enfermedad sistémica esquelética, cuyas manifestaciones más comunes son las fracturas vertebrales y de cadera. En relación con el oído, se han realizado algunos estudios controversiales que sugieren el aumento de riesgo de pérdida auditiva en pacientes con osteoporosis, mient...
El buceo recreativo es una práctica cada vez más popular en la población mundial, sin embargo, no está exenta de riesgos. A medida que transcurre una inmersión, el buzo es susceptible a una serie de cambios de presión que afectan las distintas cavidades que contienen aire dentro del cuerpo humano, ...
Abstract Introduction: Endolymphatic hydrops is the pathophysiological substrate of Ménière's disease. The changes in the inner ear, transmitted to the middle ear through changes in the ossicular chain mobility, can be quantified by wideband tympanometry, through the measurement of the acoustic absorb...
Introducción. Las sorderas o hipoacusias prelinguales son de etiología genética entre el 60 y el 68% de los casos; de estos, del 20 al 40% son malformaciones del oído interno. De los casos de hipoacusia no sindrómica ligada al X se han descrito siete tipos. De las malformaciones de oído in...
Anomalías Congénitas,
Cromosoma X,
Oído Interno,
Pérdida Auditiva,
Pérdida Auditiva Sensorineural,
SUMMARY: Internal acoustic opening is a space that opens to facies posterior of the petrous piece of temporal bone that goes inside facial nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, intermedial nevre and labyrinthine artery. The purpose of this study is the assessment of internal acoustic opening from a morphometri...
Introdução: os potenciais evocados miogênicos vestibulares (VEMP) são respostas eletrofisiológicas que conseguem fornecer informações dos órgãos otolíticos sáculo, utrículo e do nervo vestibular. O VEMP é um exame complementar à avaliação vestibular, consistindo num exame rápido, de fác...
Contexto: A tontura é um sintoma de alta prevalência e as labirintopatias de causas metabólicas destacam-se como uma das mais frequentes em nosso meio. Distúrbios do metabolismo glicêmico, disfunções tireoidianas e dislipidemias são as principais. Objetivos: Os objetivos deste estudo são descrev...
SUMMARY: The microstructure of inner ear in Scincella tsinlingensis was observed by light microscopy and the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in membranous labyrinth among the juvenile age group, subadult age group and adult age group were also detected by methods of immunohistochemis...
ABSTRACT Since the Greek Aellus Galenum (129 AD - c.200/c.216), vertigo was considered a problem attributed to a cerebral disorder, diagnosed as the manifestation of apoplectiform cerebral congestion. In the mid-19th century, the Frenchman Prosper Menière changed this concept by placing the origin of th...
Abstract Introduction: Arachnoid cyst in the internal auditory canal is a quite rare pathology but due to its compressive action on the nerves in this district should be surgically removed. Several surgical techniques have been proposed but no surgeons have used the minimally assisted endoscope retrosig...