Results: 11

Canine gastrointestinal pythiosis: a case report in Brazilian Pantanal from a diagnostic approach

Pythiosis is caused by an aquatic fungus-like organism (Pythium insidiosum). It is considered an important public health issue as it can affect both animals and humans. This paper reports a case of gastrointestinal pythiosis in a dog. The patient was hospitalized for four days, during which the animal re...

Granulomatous pneumonia due to pythiosis in captive South American coatis (Nasua nasua)

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (8), 2020
Pythiosis is an emerging infectious disease affecting captive and free-ranging wild animals. We report granulomatous pneumonia due to Pythium insidiosum in two South American coatis (Nasua nasua), who were found dead without any clinical records. Severe granulomatous pneumonia associated with pleural eff...

Pythiosis in cattle in Northeastern Brazil

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (5), 2020
The epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of cutaneous pythiosis occurring in cattle from three farms in the Northeastern of Brazil are described. A biopsy of the lesions of one bovine from each farm was performed. In two cases, the affected cattle had contact with water accumulated in dams ...

Equine pythiosis in the eastern wetlands of Uruguay

Pesqui. vet. bras; 39 (7), 2019
Equine pythiosis is an ulcerative and granulomatous disease of the skin, caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum (Pythiaceae). The objective of this study was to describe seven cases of equine pythiosis that occurred from 2012 to 2017 in the eastern region of Uruguay. Six of the seven cases occurred in...

Esophageal pythiosis in an ostrich (Struthio camelus)

Uma avestruz-do-pescoço-vermelho, com dois anos de idade, apresentava um nódulo no terço médio do esôfago e foi submetida a procedimento cirúrgico. Histologicamente, observou-se uma área focalmente extensa de necrose estendendo-se da túnica mucosa à muscular, e, em algumas secções, à túnica ...

Lung lesions of slaughtered horses in southern Brazil

Pesqui. vet. bras; 38 (11), 2018
Respiratory diseases cause significant veterinary costs, reduce performance and require withdrawal of horses. Yet, studies of the causes of pneumonia in horses are scant. This study aimed to describe the pathological and microbiological features of lung lesions in slaughtered horses in southern Brazil. I...

Isolamento e caracterização de espécies de Pythium de ambientes aquáticos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e avaliação da patogenicidade em modelo experimental

Pesqui. vet. bras; 37 (5), 2017
Foram coletadas 186 amostras de água de ambientes pantanosos em 13 municípios das regiões Sul, Central e Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, com o objetivo de isolar e caracterizar espécies de Pythium e avaliar a sua patogenicidade empregando coelhos como modelo experimental. Em 11,8% (n=22) das águ...

Pythiosis in dogs in the semiarid region of Northeast Brazil

Pesqui. vet. bras; 37 (5), 2017
We describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of five cases of pythiosis in dogs in northeast semiarid. The disease occurred in dogs with age between one and three years, females and males of different breeds. The dogs were created in urban areas, but were occasionally taken to the ...

Utilização de imunoterápico no tratamento da pitiose equina

A pitiose equina é uma infecção micótica proliferativa, invasiva e ulcerativa, causada por um pseudofungo aquático denominado Pythium insidiosum pertencente ao reino Stramenopila, filo Oomycota, família Pythiaceae, gênero Pythium e espécie P. insidiosum, que atinge pele e subcutâneo, sendo respo...

Micosis por Pythium Insidiosum primer caso con diagnóstico definitivo en Colombia

NOVA publ. cient; 11 (19), 2013
Pythium insidiosum es un hongo distribuido globalmente causante de una micosis emergente llamada Pitiosis en personas y animales. El diagnóstico definitivo involucra correlación clínico epidemiológica, clínico patológica, histopatológica y molecular. En Colombia no existen antecedentes diagnóstic...