Los implantes de silicona recubiertos con poliuretano vulcanizado han reducido
signifi cativamente la incidencia de contractura capsular. La FDA suspendió la venta temporalmente en EE.UU. de estos implantes por estudios que sugerían que
el 2,4-TDA, metabolito del poliuretano, podría ser cancerígeno. ...
Purpose: To compare the endothelial coverage of different stents in porcine carotid arteries. Research problem: How effective are polyurethane stents (PU) and PU + rapamycin (PU + RAPA) compared to bare-metal stents on endothelial coverage by neointima in pigs after 28 days? Methods: The methodology had...
Objetivou-se relatar o emprego de uma tala externa confeccionada com material de poliuretano e cobertura interna de neopreme na reparação cirúrgica do pectus excavatum em um felino jovem. O felino apresentava deformidade anatômica congênita na região do externo e sinais clínicos respiratórios. Im...
Abstract Two polyurethane foam-based sorbents (PUF) were synthesized by imprinting and grafting techniques and examined for selective separation and preconcentration of caffeine (CAF) in some pharmaceutical products and in black tea. Molecularly imprinted PUF was synthesized based on hydrogen-bonding in...
El linfoma anaplásico de células grandes asociado a implantes mamarios LACG-AI o BIA-ALCL, abreviatura en inglés de "Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma", es una nueva entidad reconocida por la OMS desde el 2016, de rara incidencia y que aún plantea muchos interrogantes. Desde su...
ABSTRACT Purpose The biomechanical properties of the polyurethanes implant material derived from castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) were evaluated in a noncritical bone defect model in rat tibia. Methods After three weeks of the implant application, the tibias were tested by means of the biomechanical...
Abstract This study evaluated an intermittently aerated, fixed-bed, single-batch reactor, with mini BioBob© as biofilm media support, as an alternative treatment of craft brewery wastewater. In order to remove chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (TN), seven conditions were performed in a cen...
Introdução: o aprimoramento do processo de osseointegração faz com que os investimentos em pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de novos materiais e tratamentos de superfície sejam despendidos para promover a relação entre osso e implante. Uma das
condições para o sucesso é a ausência de micromoviment...
Abstract Objective Compare by mechanical tests the pullout resistance and the insertion torque of rough and smooth pedicle screws. Methods Pedicle screws with rough surface and smooth surface, with diameters of 4.8; 5.5 and 6.5 mm, were inserted in polyurethane blocks with density of 10 PCF (0.16 g/cm3...
Abstract The purpose of thisin vitrostudy was to evaluate the influence of a new proposal of implant design and surgical protocol on primary stability in different bone densities. Four groups were tested (n=9): G1 - tapered, cone morse, Ø 4.3 mm x 10 mm in length (Alvim CM); G2 - experimental tapered; G...