Results: 27

Amniotic membrane transplantation for ocular surface burns

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 83 (), 2024
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the morphological and functional long-term outcomes of amniotic membrane transplantation after ocular surface chemical burns. Methods: This prospective study analyzed 7 patients who suffered from severe ocular surface burn and underwent amniotic membrane transplantation f...

Principales causas de consulta de urgencias oftalmológicas en un instituto de atención terciaria en Colombia

MedUNAB; 22 (2), 2019
Introducción. Diversas condiciones oftalmológicas son causas de consultas a los servicios de urgencias. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar las causas más comunes de consulta al servicio de urgencias oftalmológicas de una institución terciaria en Colombia y, así, poder explorar en el futuro ...

Skin burn and ocular damage by calcium oxide (virgin lime) in swines

Pesqui. vet. bras; 38 (11), 2018
An outbreak of skin burn and ocular damage by calcium oxide in swines is reported. The outbreak occurred in a rural property located in the municipality of Iuiu, Western Bahia, during the transport of 60 pigs from a recreation farm to a fattening farm. The observed macroscopic lesions were erythematous a...

Long-term outcomes with Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis in ocular burns

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 81 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the long-term outcomes of Boston type I keratoprosthesis (B-Kpro) in the management of patients with ocular burn injuries. Methods: This prospective study included all patients with ocular burns who underwent B-Kpro implantation at a tertiary eye care center between Februa...

Effects of topical and subconjunctival use of bevacizumab on corneal neovascularization in rabbits' eyes

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 80 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate and compare the effects of topical application and subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab on corneal neovascularization (CNV) in rabbits' eyes after chemical burning of the cornea. Methods: The animals were randomly distributed into four groups of five animals. In one gr...

Trauma ocular grave: guía de práctica clínica
Severe ocular trauma: clinical practice guideline - health problem AUGE N°50

OBJETIVO Generar recomendaciones basadas en la mejor evidencia disponible acerca del manejo de personas con trauma ocular. TIPO DE PACIENTE Y ESCENARIO CLÍNICO Niños y adultos con trauma ocular que consultan en los Servicios de Urgencia del sector público y privado. USUARIOS DE LA GUÍA Todos los pr...

Assessment of surgical outcomes of limbal transplantation using simple limbal epithelial transplantation technique in patients with total unilateral limbal deficiency

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 79 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the novel simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET) technique, which reduces the risk of iatrogenic limbal stem cell deficiency in the donor eye. Four patients with total unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency received a limbal graft, measu...

Autoinjerto limboconjuntival con membrana amniótica en la insuficiencia límbica total unilateral
Limbal-conjunctival autograft with amniotic membrane to treat total unilateral limbal stem cell deficiency

Rev. cuba. oftalmol; 27 (4), 2014
Se presentan tres ojos de tres pacientes con insuficiencia límbica total por quemadura alcalina grave (n= 2), con enfermedad de Coats y antecedentes de cirugía de desprendimiento de retina (n= 1). Los casos uno y dos tenían una evolución de las quemaduras de 2 años y 8 meses respectivamente, y el ca...

Avaliaçäo epidemiológica dos pacientes vítimas de queimadura ocular pelo agente químico cal no Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba
Epidemiological assessment of patients victims of ocular burns by lime chemical agent at the Ophthalmology Department of the Evangelic University Hospital of Curitiba

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 65 (3), 2002
Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes vítimas de queimadura ocular pelo agente químico cal, no Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba, enfatizando-se os casos de queimaduras oculares pela "Bomba de Cal". Métodos: Estudo prospectivo de 88 paciente...

Transplante autólogo de limbo conjuntival córneo-conjuntival no tratamento das queimaduras químicas oculares em coelhos
Conjunctival limbus and corneoconjunctival limbus autografts in the treatment of ocular chemical burns in rabbits

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 65 (2), 2002
Objetivo: Analisar e comparar a recuperaçäo da córnea após queimadura química ocular, em olhos de coelhos tratados com transplante autólogo de limbo conjuntival e limbo córneo-conjuntival. Métodos: Um total de 35 coelhos foi submetido a uma queimadura química unilateral da córnea e limbo, com s...