Results: 103

Anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) from Itu Municipality, São Paulo

Abstract Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are the largest rodents found in South America. The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in 170 free-living capybaras in a residential park area in Itu Municipality, São Pa...

Occurrence of antibodies anti -Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Leptospira interrogans in a captive deer herd in Southern Brazil

Abstract A large number of Brazilian zoos keep many endangered species of deer, however, very few disease surveillance studies have been conducted among captive cervids. Blood samples from 32 Brazilian deer (Blastocerus dichotomus, Mazama nana and Mazama americana) kept in captivity at Bela Vista Biologi...

Antibodies to Leishmania spp. in domestic felines

Abstract Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne zoonotic disease caused by protozoa in the genus Leishmania, typical of rural and peri-urban environments. The causative agent of American visceral leishmaniasis is Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi and the main insect vector in Brazil is Lutzomyia longipal...

Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in dogs from the state of Tocantins: serology and associated factors

Abstract This study investigated occurrences of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies by means of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFAT), along with risk factors associated with toxoplasmosis and neosporosis, in 204 dogs from u...

Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Leishmania spp. serology and Leishmania spp. PCR in dogs from Pirassununga, SP

Abstract We examined the presence of antibodies against the parasites Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Leishmania spp., as well the presence of DNA from Leishmania spp., in dogs from Pirassununga - SP. The seropositivity rate was compared with the animals’ originating location. Three hundre...

Intraretinal hemorrhage associated with visceral leishmaniasis

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 74 (6), 2015
ABSTRACT Visceral Leishmaniasis, also know as Kala-azar, is a parasitic tropical disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania donovani. It is an endemic disease in many countries. It affects approximately 1,5 million people every year, and when associated with mal-nutrition and co-infection it may ...

The prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in horses in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, northwestern China

Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, which can infect warm-blooded animals and humans. The present study was performed to investigate the seroprevalence of T. gondii in horses in Xinjiang, northwestern China. A total of 637 blood samples were collected from seven regions in ...

Brazilian donkeys (Equus asinus) have a low exposure to Neospora spp

Donkeys (Equus asinus) are closely related to horses and are known to be infected by several equine pathogens. Neospora caninum and Neospora hughesi are protozoan parasites that infect horses, but they were not confirmed in donkeys up to this date. The aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure of do...

Infection by Neospora caninum in dairy cattle belonging to family farmers in the northern region of Brazil

Neosporosis is considered a major cause of abortion among cattle worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in dairy cattle and correlate them with possible risk factors on 63 small farms (family farms) in the municipality of Ji-Paraná, the mai...

Natural Plasmodium infection in neotropical primates in the island of São Luís, state of Maranhão, Brazil

The states that make up the Legal Amazon Region, which include the state of Maranhão, account for 99% of registered cases of human malaria in Brazil. It is also believed that transmission of malaria from nonhuman primates (NHP) to humans occurs in this region, because of current reports of seroepidemiol...