Resumen Introducción: La utilidad clínica del péptido natriurético cerebral (NT-proBNP) como marcador pronóstico en pacientes pediátricos con falla cardíaca es controversial. El puntaje inotrópico vasoactivo 24 horas después de la operación cardíaca en pacientes pediátricos es un importante ...
ABSTRACT In addition to auxiological, clinical and metabolic features measurements of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) complement our tools in diagnosis and follow-up of GH-related disorders. While comparably robust during the pre-analytical phase, measurement and interpretati...
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of high-dose vitamin C on cardiac reperfusion injury and plasma levels of creatine kinase-muscle/brain (CK-MB), troponin I, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: This is a double-blind randomize...
Antioxidantes/administración & dosificación,
Arritmias Cardíacas/prevención & control,
Ácido Ascórbico/administración & dosificación,
Puente de Arteria Coronaria/métodos,
Forma BB de la Creatina-Quinasa/sangre,
Forma MM de la Creatina-Quinasa/sangre,
Método Doble Ciego,
Hemodinámica/efectos de los fármacos,
Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos,
L-Lactato Deshidrogenasa/sangre,
Daño por Reperfusión Miocárdica/sangre,
Daño por Reperfusión Miocárdica/prevención & control,
Reproducibilidad de los Resultados,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Factores de Tiempo,
Resultado del Tratamiento,
Troponina I/sangre,
Función Ventricular/efectos de los fármacos
ABSTRACT The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) has changed over the last decade, but remains a composite of clinical assessment and magnetic resonance imaging to prove dissemination of lesions in time and space. The intrathecal synthesis of immunoglobulin may be a nonspecific marker and there are no p...
Cromatografía Liquida,
Imagen por Resonancia Magnética,
Espectrometría de Masas/métodos,
Esclerosis Múltiple/sangre,
Esclerosis Múltiple/líquido cefalorraquídeo,
Esclerosis Múltiple/diagnóstico,
Valores de Referencia,
Reproducibilidad de los Resultados,
Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Abstract Background There is an obvious need for more prompt and specific biomarkers of bacterial infections in generalized pustular psoriasis patients. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic properties and define appropriate cut-off values of procalcitonin and C-reactive protei...
Infecciones Bacterianas/sangre,
Temperatura Corporal,
Proteína C-Reactiva/análisis,
Recuento de Leucocitos,
Polipéptido alfa Relacionado con Calcitonina/sangre,
Valores de Referencia,
Reproducibilidad de los Resultados,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Sensibilidad y Especificidad,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas
Abstract Background Inflammation is involved in the pathophysiology of depression, and circulating inflammatory cytokines have been associated with depressive symptoms. However, measuring circulating cytokines have inherent methodological limitations. In vitro lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated intrac...
Estudios Transversales,
Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica,
Proteína C-Reactiva,
Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa/sangre,
Técnicas In Vitro,
Abstract Background Current evidence suggests that upregulation of polyamines system plays a role both in cognitive deficit and synaptic loss observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Objective The aim of this study was to determine the plasmatic concentration of polyamines in mild cognitive impairment (...
Disfunción Cognitiva/fisiopatología,
Enfermedad de Alzheimer/fisiopatología,
Cromatografía Liquida/métodos,
Espectrometría de Masas en Tándem/métodos,
Enfermedad de Alzheimer/diagnóstico,
Disfunción Cognitiva/diagnóstico,
Abstract Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a chronic complication of diabetes mellitus associated with significant morbidity and mortality regarded as a global health issue. MicroRNAs - small RNA molecules responsible for the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression by degradation of messenger R...
Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/complicaciones,
Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicaciones,
Nefropatías Diabéticas/diagnóstico,
Nefropatías Diabéticas/tratamiento farmacológico,
Nefropatías Diabéticas/genética,
Nefropatías Diabéticas/patología,
Tasa de Filtración Glomerular,
Terapia Molecular Dirigida
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the influence of patient age on the diagnosis and management of appendicitis, as well as to evaluate the rate of complications according to the age group. Methods: We undertook a retrospective analysis of 1,736 children who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy in our...
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the difference in the proportion of students with metabolic syndrome, diagnosed according to different criteria. Methods: The sample consisted of 241 students (136 boys and 105 girls) aged 10 to 14 years, from public and private schools in Paranavaí, Paraná. We us...