Results: 117

Structure of bird communities in eucalyptus plantations: nestedness as a pattern of species distribution

Braz. j. biol; 76 (3), 2016
Abstract Replacement of native habitats by tree plantations has increased dramatically in Brazil, resulting in loss of structural components for birds, such as appropriate substrates for foraging and nesting. Tree plantations can also reduce faunal richness and change the composition of bird species. Thi...

Scorpion maintenance in captivity for venom extraction in Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (3), 2016
Abstract:Approximately 2 000 scorpion species can be found around the world; although few species are considered "harmful" to human beings, a high number of scorpionism cases are reported all over the world. The elaboration of anti-scorpion sera requires the establishment of an animal collection maintain...

Nesting habits of Centris (Hemisiella) dichrootricha (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Northern Cerrado of Brazil

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (3), 2016
Abstract:The Neotropical bee Centris (Hemisiella) dichrootricha is a solitary bee that nests in pre-existing cavities that occur in the rain forest. This study describes the nesting biology of C. dichrootricha and its preference for nesting in Cerrado and gallery forest habitats. The study was conducted ...

Brachiopods, sipunculans, enteropneusts and metals from two estuarine tidal flats, Pacific, Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (3), 2016
Abstract:Reports on the abundances and on metal concentrations in intertidal estuarine invertebrates from the Eastern Tropical Pacific are rare. Thus, the objectives of this report are to make accessible data on the abundances (1984-1987, 49 dates; 2013, 12 dates) of sipunculans, brachiopods and hemichor...

Efecto del manejo forestal en la herpetofauna de un bosque templado del occidente de Oaxaca, México

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (3), 2016
ResumenEl desarrollo de técnicas y tratamientos silvícolas tiene como objetivo principal el aumento de la productividad forestal, al mismo tiempo que minimiza el impacto sobre la diversidad. A pesar de ello, estas actividades modifican la estructura de la vegetación, así como el clima local, alterand...

Variación fenotípica de la langosta espinosa Panulirus argus (Decapoda: Paniluridae) en el Caribe Suroccidental

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (3), 2016
ResumenLa langosta espinosa Panulirus argus es una importante especie pesquera en el Atlántico centro-occidental. Los cambios en el rango de dispersión a través de su ciclo de vida y sus hábitats heterogéneos, sugieren que P. argus exhibe plasticidad fenotípica. Sin embargo, la variación morfomét...

Egg-guarding behavior of the treehopper Ennya chrysura (Hemiptera: Membracidae): female aggregations, egg parasitism, and a possible substrate-borne alarm signal

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (3), 2016
AbstractTreehoppers are known for their substrate-borne communication and some of them also for their subsocial behavior. Following a more general study of the natural history and substrate-borne signal repertoire of the treehopper Ennya chrysura, the objective of this paper was to explore in greater dep...

Distribución geográfica y hábitat de la familia Trochilidae (Aves) en el estado de Guerrero, México

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (1), 2016
ResumenLa distribución y abundancia de la familia Trochillidae generalmente estan influenciadas por la floración y fenología de las plantas de las que se alimentan, principalmente en bosques primarios, por lo que los cambios en la cobertura de la vegetación pueden afectar a sus poblaciones. Se analiz...

The impact of anthropogenic food supply on fruit consumption by dusky-legged guan (Penelope obscura Temminck, 1815): potential effects on seed dispersal in an Atlantic forest area

Braz. j. biol; 75 (4), 2015
Abstract Frugivorous birds are important seed dispersers and influence the recruitment of many plant species in the rainforest. The efficiency of this dispersal generally depends on environment quality, bird species, richness and diversity of resources, and low levels of anthropogenic disturbance. In thi...

Relación inter específica de Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) con especies de culícidos en La Habana, Cuba
Interspecific relationship between Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) and Culicidae species in Havana, Cuba

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 67 (2), 2015
INTRODUCCIÓN: Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus vectores reconocidos de dengue son consideradas especies invasivas que están ampliamente distribuidas en zonas tropicales y parte de regiones templadas del planeta. OBJETIVOS: determinar la relación inter específica de Ae. albopictus con las comunidades ...