Results: 271

Bioactive compounds in fruits from different regions of Brazil

Rev. chil. nutr; 47 (1), 2020
It is important to determine the chemical composition of fruits in order to establish their potential health benefits for human nutrition and thus stimulate their cultivation and consumption. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the physical and chemical parameters, vitamin C content, ...

Ellagic acid production using polyphenols from orange peel waste by submerged fermentation

Background: Biotechnological processes are part of modern industry as well as stricter environmental requirements. The need to reduce production costs and pollution demands for alternatives that involve the integral use of agro-industrial waste to produce bioactive compounds. The citrus industry generate...

Obesidade: inflamação e compostos bioativos

Objetivo: realizar um levantamento bibliográfico com enfoque nos compostos bioativos que modulam a inflamação na obesidade. Métodos: foram utilizadas as bases de dados Scientific Eletronic Library Online e PubMed, com artigos de revisão e originais, em língua portuguesa e inglesa, publicados entre ...

Efeito de análogos de curcumina, irradiados ou não por LED, como agentes antimicrobianos e indutores de proliferação e migração celular

O tratamento endodôntico de dentes permanentes jovens com infecções pulpares/periapicais antes de completar a rizogênese ainda é um desafio para a Endodontia e a Odontopediatria. Relatos científicos têm mostrado que a curcumina (CUR), um fitoquímico polifenólico, apresenta diversas propriedades ...

Caracterización de extractos de piel y hojas de Persea americana Mill. y analisis in vitro de sus potenciales propiedades anti-inflamatorias
Characterization of Persea americana Mill. peels and leaves extracts and analysis of its potential in vitro anti-inflammatory properties

Existe una tendencia mundial de incremento en prevalencia de enfermedades no transmisibles, que se caracterizan por un estado pro-inflamatorio crónico. Por lo tanto, es importante estudiar la relación entre alimentos y salud. La palta (Persea americana), sobresale en la industria por su valor nutricion...

Presencia de Baccharis spicata (Lam.) Baill. en muestras comerciales rotuladas como “carqueja” adquiridas en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Presence of Baccharis spicata (Lam.) Baill. in comercial samples labeled as “carqueja” purchased in the City of Buenos Aires

El género Baccharis, perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae, es un género de plantas perennes, dioicas, de hábitos arbustivos o herbáceos, con hojas enteras o tallos alados. Este género se ha estudiado ampliamente desde el punto de vista etnobotánico, farmacobotánico y farmacognóstico. En la medic...

Analysis of the Total Level of Flavonoids in the Brown Algae ( Phaeophyceae ) Extract as Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Abstract Objective: To determine the total level of flavonoids in brown algae extract Padina sp., Sargassum sp., and Turbinaria sp., which could serve as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug. Material and Methods: This is an experimental study with a one-shot case study research design. The study s...

Consumo de alimentos funcionales por estudiantes universitarios ecuatorianos
Consumption of functional foods by Ecuadorian university students

An. venez. nutr; 33 (1), 2020
El consumo de alimentos funcionales durante la etapa de estudiantes universitarios es crucial para asegurar un consumo adecuado de nutrientes, por esta razón, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el consumo de alimentos funcionales en estudiantes universitarios ecuatorianos. El marco poblac...

Development of a Phytocosmetic Enriched with Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Cambess) Oil

Abstract The pulp oil of Caryocar brasiliense Camb., better known as pequi, is used in the typical cuisine of the Brazilian Cerrado region. It is also used in folk medicine to combat several types of disease of the respiratory system and skin. However, since its exploration is purely extractive, the exha...

Phytochemical Screening of Callus and Cell Suspensions Cultures of Thevetia peruviana

Abstract Thevetia peruviana is an ornamental shrub grown-up in many tropical region of the world. This plant produces secondary metabolites with biological properties of interest for the pharmaceutical industry. The objective was to determine the secondary metabolites profile of callus and cell suspensio...