Results: 177

A eugenia brasileira e suas conexões internacionais: uma análise a partir das controvérsias entre Renato Kehl e Edgard Roquette-Pinto, 1920-1930

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos; 23 (supl.1), 2016
Resumo Analiso conexões e diálogos internacionais que envolveram a eugenia brasileira nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Partindo dos projetos eugênicos e das controvérsias entre Renato Kehl e Edgard Roquette-Pinto, duas lideranças do movimento eugênico brasileiro, investigo o contato deles com ...

A reflection on gender issues in elder abuse research: Brazil and Portugal

Abstract Neglect, abuse and violence against older women has not been a prominent focus of elder abuse research. This is in spite of the fact that from an international human rights perspective this is considered a gap in policy and practice addressing abuse across the lifespan. A review of the literatur...

La globalización y su impacto en enfermería
Quality of working life in the nursing staff: a review systematic in the current literatura

Rev. enferm. neurol; 15 (1), 2016
El siguiente trabajo tiene como finalidad reflexionar acerca del impacto que tiene el proceso de globalización en el personal de enfermería, concluyendo con la importancia que tiene el espíritu de emprendedor y la perspectiva de género....

O papel da geografia em face da crise ambiental
The role of geography in the face of the environmental crisis

Estud. av; 30 (87), 2016
Diante da crise ambiental atual, diversas disciplinas científicas têm se voltado para sua análise, a fim de apontar soluções para dirimir ou minimizar os danos ambientais e sociais causados pelas atividades econômicas e por outros tipos de fatores de pressão ambiental. Este artigo propõe-se inici...

Development, health, and international policy: the research and innovation dimension

Cad. saúde pública (Online); 32 (supl.2), 2016
Abstract: This text main objective is to discuss development and health from the perspective of the influence of global health governance, using as the tracer the dimension of research, development, and innovation policies in health, which relate to both important inputs for the health system, like drugs...

From health plan companies to international insurance companies: changes in the accumulation regime and repercussions on the healthcare system in Brazil

Cad. saúde pública (Online); 32 (supl.2), 2016
Abstract: The concentration and internationalization of health plan companies in Brazil gave them a clearly financial face. Based on the need to understand the health care industry's capital accumulation patterns, the current study examines health plan companies' expansion strategies through the classifi...