Results: 791

Temporal trend of near miss and its regional variations in Brazil from 2010 to 2018

Abstract Cases of maternal near miss are those in which women survive severe maternal complications during pregnancy or the puerperium. This ecological study aimed to identify the temporal trend of near-miss cases in different regions of Brazil between 2010 and 2018, using data fromtheHospital Informatio...

Intercultural childbirth: impact on the maternal health of the ecuadorian kichwa and mestizo people of the otavalo region

Abstract Objective Considering the increased frequency of maternal deaths reported from 2001 to 2005 for Indigenous andmestizo women from the Ecuadorian rural area ofOtavalo,where the Kichwa people has lived for centuries, the objective of the present article is to describehow the efforts of the local ...

Race inequalities in maternal mortality in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 2010-2019

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To analyze the behavior of maternal mortality according to the race/color variable in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2010 and 2019. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study that used microdata collected in the Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade and Sistema de Inf...

COVID-19 and Pregnancy

Abstract Objectives: reviewing the available literature on COVID-19 infection and the maternal and perinatal outcomes. Methods: this is a narrative review of the literature carried out from March to September 2020, usingthe MESH: coronavirus, Covid 19, SARS-CoV-2, pregnancy, gravidity, pregnancy compli...

Mortalidade materna em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil: um estudo caso-controle

Objetivo: Analisar os óbitos maternos ocorridos entre 2012 e 2016 em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo caso-controle, cujos casos corresponderam aos óbitos maternos cujos controles foram constituídos por mulheres que tiveram parto no mesmo período, mas não morreram. Foram empreg...

Fetal and infant mortality trends according to the avoidability of causes of death and maternal education

Rev. bras. epidemiol; 24 (supl.1), 2021
ABSTRACT: Objective: To estimate trends of fetal (FMR) and neonatal (NMR) mortality rates due to avoidable causes and maternal education in the city of Rio de Janeiro (2000-2018). Methods: Ecological time series study. Mortality and Live Birth Information System Data. The List of Avoidable Causes of De...

Caracterización de los determinantes sociales de la salud, en la mortalidad materna de Cundinamarca, 2016-2019

Introducción: la mortalidad materna es un indicador sensible del grado de desarrollo de un país. Por ello fue incluido en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, pues su presencia mide la importancia que un país le da a la salud materna-perinatal y a la salud pública. Objetivo: describir las variable...

Near miss neonatal em hospitais de referência para gestação e parto de alto risco: estudo transversal

O objetivo do artigo foi descrever e comparar indicadores de near miss neonatal em hospitais de referência para gestação e parto de alto risco. É um estudo exploratório, transversal, realizado em dois hospitais gerais localizados na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Considerou-se casos de near m...