La continuidad de la formación del especialista de Ortodoncia, en tiempos de pandemia por la COVID-19, constituye todo un reto para los docentes. Por ello, este ensayo reflexiona y presenta, tomando como referencia el primer año de la mencionada especialidad (debido a su complejidad), la experiencia co...
ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the dento-alveolar effects between dental and skeletal anchored expansion devices to achieve maxillary expansion in different groups of patients: pure dental anchorage was used in growing patients and skeletal anchorage in adult patients. Linear, angular and volumetric par...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the differences in phonetic alterations caused by three different lingual appliances, all bonded in sequence on the same patients. Material and Methods: Lingual brackets (STb, Incognito and Harmony) were bonded from 1.3 to 2.3 with a 0.013 CuNiTi archwire. The text was f...
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the existence of a correlation between the mesio-distal size of teeth and the arch width by analyzing the data separately for maxillary and mandibular arch in patients with ideal occlusion Material and Methods: 58 patients with ideal occlusion were studied, for a total of ...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate how the lower arch spontaneously change after upper rapid palatal expansion in a group of patients with transversal skeletal deficit. Material and Methods: Twenty-four patients treated by the same orthodontist with a rapid palatal expander (RPE) bounded on a deciduous mo...
ABSTRACT Introduction: The smile arc is an esthetic parameter that has been better investigated by Orthodontics after the "new esthetic paradigm". Its diagnostic evaluation and inclusion in the objectives of orthodontic planning has become fundamental for professionals seeking for more beautiful and you...
ABSTRACT Introduction: A pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization on 30th January 2020, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) emerged, and led to standstill of Dentistry and Orthodontics. Description: The COVID-19 is a very multivariant disease. It affects in many different ways; the most re...
Aim: The objective of this research was to evaluate the midline from the perspectives of the layperson and the dental surgeon. Methods: The survey was conducted from August to December 2018 in Parnaíba, PI, Brazil. An image of a female smile was used, in which changes were made in the upper dental midli...
Introduction: A correct proportion between the upper and lower teeth is critical to achieving proper occlusal interdigitation, ideal overjet, and good molar intercuspation at the end of orthodontic treatment. Objectives: To determine the anterior and overall Bolton’s ratio ...
The present case report describes a conservative and uncommon treatment for class III malocclusion in a woman growing patient with aged eight years and four months. An unconventional treatment modality was used for the treatment of this malocclusion, reverse-pull hea...