LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 725

Lipogranuloma Esclerosante Escrotal Primario. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

Med. UIS; 34 (2), 2021
RESUMEN El lipogranuloma esclerosante es una condición extraña y benigna que puede afectar cualquier órgano, especialmente los genitales externos masculinos. Se suele presentar como masas subcutáneas en escroto, periné y pene. Aunque la mayoría de los casos son secundarios a aplicación de cuerpos ...

Elaboration and validation of flowchart for the prevention and treatment of intestinal peristomal skin complications

Objective: To build and validate a flowchart for the prevention and treatment of intestinal peristomal skin complications. Method: For the construction of the algorithms, a systematic reviewwas carried out in health sciences databases comprising the last 10 years. The evaluation of the algorithms was car...

Escala de braden: benefícios de sua aplicação na prevenção de lesão por pressão no âmbito domiciliar

Objetivo: Averiguar a eficácia da Escala de Braden como instrumento norteador na assistência para prevenção de lesão por pressão em indivíduos acamados no âmbito domiciliar. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa com coleta de dados realizada em domicílio por meio d...

History of dermatology: the study of skin diseases over the centuries

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (3), 2021
Abstract The study of skin, the science of dermatology, has undergone significant transformations throughout the centuries. From the first descriptions of skin diseases in Egyptian papyri and in Hippocratic writings to the first treatises on dermatology, important individuals and discoveries have marked ...

Motorcycling can be dangerous: verrucous lichenoid reaction to a tattoo

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (3), 2021
Abstract Tattooing one's body is currently a common practice worldwide; however, it is not risk-free. This is a case of a patient who tattooed himself motivated by his passion for motorcycles and then developed an exuberant lichenoid reaction to the red pigment used in the tattoo, with the appearance of ...

Sweet syndrome associated with secondary nodular syphilis in an immunocompetent patient

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (3), 2021
Abstract Sweet syndrome is an inflammatory disease characterized by fever, neutrophilia, papules and erythematous plaques, and a skin neutrophilic infiltrate. Syphilis has been reported among the infectious causes of Sweet syndrome. Syphilis can present atypical manifestations; a rare presentation is nod...

Systemic amyloidosis manifestation in a patient with psoriatic arthritis

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (3), 2021
Abstract Systemic amyloidosis secondary to psoriatic arthritis is rare, and published data are based mainly on case reports and are associated with increased mortality. This is the report of a patient with long-term psoriatic arthritis and chronic sialadenitis, who showed an inadequate response to therap...

Lesões de pele ocasionadas por procedimento robótico versus aberto

Nursing (Säo Paulo); 24 (277), 2021
Objetivo: identificar fatores associados a lesões de pele decorrentes de cirurgias urológicas robóticas versus convencionais em adultos/idosos. Método: revisão integrativa, etapas: Construção do protocolo de pesquisa; Formulação da pergunta - prática baseada em evidÃ...

In vitro inhibitory potential of avocado fruits, Persea americana (Lauraceae) against oxidation, inflammation and key enzymes linked to skin diseases

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (2), 2021
Abstract Introduction: Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a member of Lauraceae with one-seeded berry fruit and cultivated in all tropical, subtropical regions in the world and in the Southern coast region of Turkey. Oxidative damage caused by UV can trigger inflammation, resulting in serious inflammato...