Results: 3278

De alfa a omega: Estimación de la confiabilidad ordinal. Una guía práctica

Rev. Costarric. psicol; 41 (2), 2022
La presente investigación realiza un recorrido por el concepto de confiabilidad como una de las propiedades psicométricas fundamentales en la Teoría Clásica de los Test. Se desarrolla el concepto y cuáles son sus diferentes aplicaciones prácticas para indagar el grado de confiabilidad de un instrum...

Análisis bifactorial y validez de constructo de la Escala de Percepción de Amenaza exogrupal frente a los inmigrantes VIH positivos en una muestra de adultos peruanos
Bifactorial analysis and construct validity of the Out-group Threat Perception Scale against HIV-positive immigrants in a sample of Peruvian adults

En la actualidad se evidenciado aumento de los desplazamientos provocados por conflictos, persecuciones, falta de oportunidades, seguridad, entre otras razones, inscrementando la población de migrante en países de América Latina. Se destaca los desplazados venezolanos, siendo Perú el segundo país de...

Validity and reliability of simple surrogate indexes to evaluate beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity

Rev. méd. Chile; 150 (11), 2022
BACKGROUND: Simple surrogate indexes (SSI) to assess beta-cell function, insulin sensitivity (IS) and insulin resistance (IR) are an easy and economic tool used in clinical practice to identify glucose metabolism disturbances. AIM: To evaluate the validity and reliability of SSI that estimate beta-cell f...

Evaluation of Intra- and Interobserver Reproducibility of the New AO/OTA Classification for Distal Radius Fractures Compared with the Fernandez Classification

Abstract Objective To evaluate the inter- and intraobserver reliability and reproducibility of the new AO/OTA 2018 classification for distal radius fractures and to compare it with the Fernandez classification system. Method A questionnaire was applied in the Qualtrics software on 10 specialists in han...

Revisiones sistemáticas: conceptos clave para profesionales de la salud

Medwave; 22 (9), 2022
El crecimiento exponencial de evidencia disponible actualmente ha hecho necesario recopilar, filtrar, valorar críticamente y sintetizar la información biomédica para mantenerse actualizado. En este sentido, las revisiones sistemáticas constituyen una herramienta útil y pueden ser fuentes confiables ...

Validação do instrumento de cuidado do enfermeiro ao paciente crítico com cateter venoso central

Objetivo: Validar o conteúdo do instrumento de cuidado do enfermeiro ao paciente com cateter venoso central, internado na unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, conduzido em duas etapas: análise teórica por sete enfermeiros especialistas, dos itens do instrumento construído ante...

Validity evidence for the Cognitive Screening test in stroke patients

Psico USF; 27 (4), 2022
Cognitive deficits are common among post-stroke patients. Cognitive impairments of this sort are mediated by age and education. In Brazil, the only specific cognitive screening tool designed for post-stroke patients is the Cognitive Screening Test (Triagem Cognitiva - TRIACOG). The goal of this study was...

Preliminary results of a Cognitive-Behavioral Life Skills Program for Adolescents

Psico USF; 27 (4), 2022
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the Life Skills Promotion Program in Adolescents (PRHAVIDA-Adolescents) on the development of a repertoire of life skills based on the cognitive-behavioral approach. A study was carried out with 78 adolescents (M = 12.47 years; SD = 0.69) to compare the...

Analyses of the Self-monitoring Scale with the Problem Solving Inventory

Psico USF; 27 (4), 2022
Self-monitoring regulates the expression of behavior, which can facilitate relationships in different contexts. The aim of this study was to confirm the factorial structure of the exploratory analysis of the Self-monitoring Scale (SMS) and investigate the effect of the independent variable Self-monitorin...