Results: 3722

Qualidade por Design Analítico (AQbD) aplicado no desenvolvimento e otimização de métodos cromatográficos

O guia Q8(R2) do guia ICH descreve Qualidade por Design (QbD) como "uma abordagem sistemática para desenvolvimento farmacêutico que começa com objetivos predefinidos e enfatiza produto, entendimento e controle dos processos, baseado em dados científicos sólidos e gestão do risco da qualidade". Os m...

Influence of a heat and moisture exchanger with a microbiological filter on measurements of maximal respiratory pressures and vital capacity in patients with COPD

J. bras. pneumol; 46 (1), 2020

Effects of a 12-week hip abduction exercise program on the electromyographic activity of hip and knee muscles of women with patellofemoral pain: A pilot study

Motriz (Online); 26 (1), 2020
Aims: The purpose of our study was to compare the hip and knee muscle activity before and after a hip abduction exercise program in women with patellofemoral pain (PFP). Methods: Eleven women with PFP were included in our pre/post design study. Participants were assessed before and after 12-week hip abd...

Comparative Evaluation of Fluoride Release From Two Different Glass Ionomer Cement and a Novel Alkasite Restorative Material - An in Vitro Study

Abstract Objective: To compare the fluoride release from Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC), Resin Modified GIC (RMGIC), and Cention N Alkasite Material. Material and Methods: Forty- five disc-shaped specimens of three different restorative materials (Conventional GIC, RMGIC, and Alkasite material...

The Comparison of Different Irrigation Systems to Remove Calcium Hydroxide from the Root Canal: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Abstract Objective: To examine the effect of a variety of irrigation systems on the removal of root canal Ca (OH)2 residues through meta-analysis and systematic review. Material and Methods: A search of relevant articles was systematically performed on databases of Medline, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Em...

How can new technologies help reduce absenteeism in pediatric consultation?

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the most effective form of contact, as a possible intervention to reduce absenteeism in consultations of children with suspected or confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted with prospective data collection, between March 2017 a...

Avaliação de dentes monorradiculares artificiais utilizados para treinamento endodôntico

Introdução: É desafio do ensino pré-clínico em Endodontia fornecer aos alunos dentes artificiais que reproduzam a morfologia dos dentes humanos. Objetivo: Comparar a morfologia interna e externa de dentes artificiais monorradiculares com dados da literatura sobre dentes humanos. Material e método...

Doenças ocupacionais e princípios ergonômicos voltados à formação de profissionais da Odontologia
Occupational diseases and ergonomic principles aimed at training dentistry professionals

Rev. Salusvita (Online); 39 (2), 2020
Introdução: a alta demanda diária para desempenhar os serviços, aliada ao descuido com o bem-estar laboral, acaba causando uma má postura na hora dos atendimentos, acarretando problemas osteomusculares, dor e, consequentemente, doenças ocupacionais. Objetivo: avaliar o conhecimento dos acadêmicos ...

Injertos óseos en el fisurado labio-alvéolo-palatino (FLAP): casos clínicos
Bone grafts in the cleft lip and palate (CLP) patient: clinical cases

Objetivo: mostrar el tratamiento que realizamos en comunicaciones a nivel del reborde alveolar en los FLAP, tanto para pacientes con fisura unilateral como bilateral, realizados con cresta ilíaca tomada del paciente y basados en nuestra experiencia de más de 40 años. Casos clínicos: nuestro protocolo...

COVID-19: What we talk about when we talk about masks

Abstract Even though most current recommendations include the general use of masks to prevent community transmission of SARS-Cov-2, the effectiveness of this measure is still debated. The studies on this policy include physical filtering tests with inanimate microparticles, randomized clinical trials, ob...