Results: 1640

High Clinical Manifestation Rate in an Imported Outbreak of Hepatitis E Genotype 1 Infection in a German Group of Travellers Returning from India

Ann. hepatol; 16 (1), 2017
Abstract: Background. There are only few reports about travel-associated, imported tropical hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 1 infections within Western travellers. We describe the clinical course of a single outbreak of hepatitis E in a German travellers group returning from India and compare the resu...

Dengue infection in the nervous system: lessons learned for Zika and Chikungunya

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya are emerging arboviruses and important causes of acute febrile disease in tropical areas. Although dengue does not represent a new condition, a geographic expansion over time has occurred with the appearance of severe neurological complications. Neglect has allowed t...

The development of Panstrongylus herreri under fluctuating environmental conditions

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Panstrongylus herreri is a main Chagas disease vector, and its success as a vector stems from its ability to establish domiciliated colonies; we aimed to explore its biology and reproduction. METHODS: The average amount of blood ingested and the time from the beginning of a blo...

Criaderos de Aedes aegypti en la ciudad de Asunción, Paraguay durante los años 2011-2014

INTRODUCCIÓN: Las poblaciones propensas a sufrir la aparición del dengue y otras enfermedades transmitidas por el Aedes aegypti en aquellas que no cuentan con un adecuado sistema de eliminación de residuos (desechos sólidos) y el suministro de agua potable es deficiente, lo cual contribuye a la apari...

Entering and exiting behaviour of the phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia longiflocosa (Diptera: Psychodidae) in rural houses of the sub-Andean region of Colombia

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 112 (1), 2017
The present study identified the entering and exiting sites for Lutzomyia longiflocosa in rural houses of the sub-Andean region in Colombia. Entering sites were identified with sticky traps set up outside the bedrooms, around the eave openings, and with cage traps enclosing the slits in the doors and win...

First description of Leishmania (Viannia) infection in Evandromyia saulensis, Pressatia sp. and Trichophoromyia auraensis (Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) in a transmission area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Acre state, Amazon Basin, Brazil

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 112 (1), 2017
Studies on the sandfly fauna to evaluate natural infection indexes are still limited in the Brazilian Amazon, a region with an increasing incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Here, by using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction directed to Leishmania kDNA and hybridisation, we were able to identify L. (...

Análise de denúncias de excesso de cães e gatos no município de São Paulo no período de 2006 a 2015

Introdução: O acúmulo de animais tem sido considerado um distúrbio mental caracterizado pela manutenção de um número excessivo de animais em condições inadequadas de criação e de ausência de discernimento desta situação. É um complexo problema de saúde pública com sérias implicações n...

Dengue midiática: a construção da doença em um jornal regional da cidade portuária de Santos, São Paulo, Brasil

A dengue é a arbovirose urbana mais importante em saúde pública atualmente. A forma mais eficaz de controlar a doença é combatendo o mosquito Aedes aegypti, o vetor do vírus, que, além da dengue, também transmite a febre amarela urbana, a febre chigungunya e o zika. O objetivo geral deste estudo ...