Abstract Background Smoking is considered an epidemic, indeed, one of the most important public health problems worldwide. It is also the most significant preventable cause of death, of a high number of premature deaths, and avoidable chronic diseases. It is considered an enormous economic burden for th...
Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Although cigarette smoking is the major risk factor, only 10-20% of smokers develop COPD. The extent of cigarette smoking (pack-years and smoking duration) accounts for only 15% of ...
Abstract: Objective: To provide updated information regarding the 12-month prevalence and associated sociodemographic factors for suicide ideation and behavior (plan and attempts) to substantiate preventive programs in Mexico. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional nationally representative survey, c...
Abstract: Objective: To estimate psychopathology and self-harm behavior of incoming first-year college students, socio-demographic correlates, service use and willingness to seek treatment. Materials and methods: 4 189 male and female incoming first-year students of six universities in four different...
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the Two Whooley questions and the Arroll question, using the SCID, The Structured Clinical Interview (SCID-I) as the gold standard for detecting perinatal depression. Materials and methods: We interviewed 210 women during pregnancy a...
Resumen: Objetivo: Desarrollar y pilotar indicadores de calidad de la atención a neonatos con padecimientos relevantes en México (prematuridad, sepsis neonatal, asfixia perinatal e hipoxia intrauterina). Material y métodos: Se construyeron indicadores propios a partir de recomendaciones clave de l...
Abstract: Objective: Determine the effect of Seguro Popular (SP) on preventive care utilization among low-income SP beneficiaries and uninsured elders in Mexico. Materials and methods: Fixed-effects instrumental-variable (FE-IV) pseudo-panel estimation from three rounds of the Mexican National Health ...