Results: 5426

Perfil epidemiológico dos casos suspeitos de sarampo e rubéola notificados no SINAN, Brasil, 2007 a 2016
Epidemiological profile of suspected cases of measles and rubella notified on SINAN, Brazil, 2007 to 2016

Descrever os casos suspeitos de sarampo e rubéola notificados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan), Brasil, 2007 a 2016. Métodos: Os dados foram extraídos do Sinan, referentes aos anos de 2007 a 2016. As variáveis utilizadas foram os números de notificações de casos de sa...

Transtornos mentais comuns em profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde em um período de pandemia da covid-19: estudo transversal na macrorregião Norte de saúde de Minas Gerais, 2021

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 32 (1), 2023
Objective: to analyze the prevalence of symptoms of common mental disorders (CMDs) in Primary Health Care professionals between August-October/2021. Methods: this was a cross-sectional study conducted with health professionals in the Northern health macro-region of Minas Gerais state; snowball samplin...

Tendência da incompletude das variáveis escolaridade e raça/cor da pele da mãe no Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos do Brasil, 2012-2020

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 32 (1), 2023
Objective: to analyze the trend of incompleteness of the maternal schooling and race/skin color variables held on the Brazilian Live Birth Information System (SINASC) between 2012 and 2020. Methods: this was an ecological time series study of the incompleteness of maternal schooling and race/skin color ...

Prevalence of breastfeeding among indigenous peoples of the Triple Frontier: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay

Abstract Objectives: to verify the prevalence of breastfeeding and the children's nutritional status of indigenous origin up to two years of age in the triple frontier region: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Methods: data from the Sistema de Vigilância Nutricional e Alimentar Indígena (Indigenous Foo...

Perceived stress and associated factors in pregnant women: a cross-sectional study nested within a population-based cohort

Abstract Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of perceived stress and verify the associated factors in pregnant women assisted by Family Health teams in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais - Brazil. Methods: epidemiological, cross-sectional, and analytical study, nested in a population-based cohort. Sociodem...

Profile of pregnant women and children accompanied due to T. gondii exposure at a referred healthcare center: What has changed in 10 years?

Abstract Objectives: to characterize the profile of pregnant women and newborns accompanied at a reference center for infectious-parasitic diseases, after the exposure of T. gondii, establishing comparisons with a previous study, in the same location, ten years ago. Methods: this is a retrospective coh...

Tendência temporal e distribuição espacial da sífilis gestacional e congênita no Brasil, período de 2008-2018
Temporal trend and spatial distribution of gestational and congenital syphilis in Brazil, period 2008-2018

Introdução: A sífilis tornou-se um problema de saúde pública em várias regiões no mundo. Objetivo: Analisar a tendência temporal e distribuição espacial da sífilis gestacional e congênita no Brasil, no período de 2008 a 2018. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de diferentes métodos. 1) Estudo d...

Temporary trend of breast cancer mortality in the state of Santa Catarina in the period from 1996 to 2019

Mastology (Online); 33 (), 2023
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common female cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in women around the world. It has repercussions not only on human health, but also on health services due to the high incidence resulting in a large number of consultations and treatments. The disease is re...

Nutritional status and temporal trend of coverage of Brazilian adolescents monitored in the Food and Nutritional Surveillance System, 2008 to 2019

Abstract Objectives: to analyze the nutritional status and temporal trend of the coverage of Brazilian adolescents monitored in the Food and Nutritional Surveillance System in the period 2008-2019. Methods: ecological study of temporal series with SISVAN data collected from 2008 to 2019 with 45,869.266...

Intensidade e desconforto do zumbido pós-covid-19: um estudo comparativo

Audiol., Commun. res; 28 (), 2023
RESUMO Objetivo caracterizar o grau de intensidade e desconforto do zumbido de indivíduos, pós-COVID-19. Métodos pesquisa observacional, exploratória e de corte transversal com 242 participantes, divididos em dois grupos iguais, pareados de acordo com gênero e faixa etária: grupo-controle (GC), c...