Results: 144

Pharmacogenetic effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors over age-related urea andcreatinine variations in patients with dementia due to Alzheimer disease

Colomb. med; 47 (2), 2016
Background: Renal function declines according to age and vascular risk factors, whereas few data are available regarding geneticallymediated effects of anti-hypertensives over renal function. Objective: To estimate urea and creatinine variations in dementia due to Alzheimer disease (AD) by way of a pharm...

Plomo y nefropatía: biomarcadores urinarios en la detección de daño renal precoz

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (6), 2016
The role of lead (Pb) as an environmental cause of nephropathy is difficult to ascertain due to the difficulty to determine clinically its exposure. Aim: To assess lead levels and renal function in a group of males working in mechanical workshops. Material and Methods: Blood and urine samples were obtain...

B-Mode and pulsed Doppler sonography of kidney in healthy sheep according to age

Pesqui. vet. bras; 36 (6), 2016
There is no standardization in the literature of kidney length in sheep at different ages, as there are few studies about the access with the Doppler triplex ultrasound for the renal vascularization in this species. Eighty healthy sheep of three age groups of Ile de France and White Dorper breed were use...

Nefroprotección en una unidad de especialidades médicas de enfermedades crónicas en México
Nephroprotection in a unit of medical specialties for chronic diseases in Mexico

Salud pública Méx; 58 (3), 2016

Effect of Otostegia persica extract on ischemia/reperfusion induced renal damage in diabetic rats. A biochemical study

Acta cir. bras; 31 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of Otostegia persica (O. persica) extract on renal damage induced by ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) in diabetic rats. METHODS: Forty-eight rats were subjected to right nephrectomy; then, they were allocated into six groups: Sham; Diabetic sham; I/R; Diabetic I/R; I/...

Cervical cancer: Renal complications and survival after percutaneous nephrostomy

SUMMARY Introduction: Obstructive nephropathy is a frequent complication in the course of advanced cervical cancer (CC), and ultrasonography-guided percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) is a well established technique for fast ureteral desobstruction. Objective: To identify possible factors related to the sur...

Quantitative analysis of the renal aging in rats. Stereological study

Acta cir. bras; 31 (5), 2016
ABSTRACT PURPOSE: To evaluate the renal function and the renal histological alterations through the stereology and morphometrics in rats submitted to the natural process of aging. METHODS: Seventy two Wistar rats, divided in six groups. Each group was sacrificed in a different age: 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and...

Evaluation of creatinine-based and cystatin C-based equations for estimation of glomerular filtration rate in type 1 diabetic patients

ABSTRACT Objective Several formulas based in different biomarkers may be used to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GRF). However, all of them have some limitations, and it is very important to evaluate their performances in different groups of patients. Therefore, we compared GFR, as estimated by cr...

Detecção de disfunção renal através da dosagem de creatinina em amostra de gota de sangue seca no papel filtro

J. bras. nefrol; 38 (1), 2016
Resumo Introdução: A identificação precoce da doença renal crônica (DRC) por meio de amostras de sangue e urina é preconizada em populações de risco devido à elevada morbimortalidade. Objetivo: Apresentamos um teste simples e inovador para dosar a creatinina coletada em gota de sangue seca em...

Gastric and renal effects of COX-2 selective and non-selective NSAIDs in rats receiving low-dose aspirin therapy

Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract The consumption of low-dose aspirin (LDA) to prevent cardiovascular disease continues to increase worldwide. Consequently, the number of chronic LDA users seeking dental procedures that require complementary acute anti-inflammatory medication has also grown. Considering the lack of literature ev...