Results: 292

Mental health in medical students during COVID-19 quarantine: a comprehensive analysis across year-classes

Clinics; 76 (), 2021
OBJECTIVES: The COVID-19 pandemic brought abrupt changes when quarantine measures were implemented. Most medical students had distance learning as their main content delivery mode, but in clerkship (fifth and sixth years), in-person activities were maintained under new protocols. These different modes ma...

Symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with primary hyperhidrosis and its association with the result of clinical treatment with oxybutynin

Clinics; 76 (), 2021
OBJECTIVES: Studies have identified correlations between the psychological characteristics of individuals with primary hyperhidrosis (HH), the degree of sweating, and the quality of life (QoL). This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with HH before and a...

Psychic suffering and depression in black children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 54 (10), 2021
Depression is a common disorder in the population, but some people are more vulnerable to this condition. Groups at higher risk of developing psychic suffering include black children and adolescents living in vulnerable socioeconomic conditions. This study aimed to analyze race and life conditions as det...

Individuals requiring orthognathic surgery have more depression and pain than controls

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate if individuals with dentofacial deformities (DFD) who require orthognathic surgery are affected more by depression and pain. A case-control study was performed with 195 individuals. In the DFD group, 145 individuals with Class II and III malocclusion r...

Factors associated with depression, anxiety and stress among dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic

Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and depression, anxiety, and stress (DAS) in dentists. Factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic were evaluated using a questionnaire and scores of the Depression, Anxiety, and S...

Factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression during social distancing in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of clinical signs and symptoms of severe/extreme stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as their associated factors, among Brazilians during social distancing. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study conducted in April/May 2020 with 3,200 Brazilians ove...

Do depressive symptoms among pregnant women assisted in Primary Health Care services increase the risk of prematurity and low birth weight?

Objective: to investigate associations between depressive symptoms during pregnancy, low birth weight, and prematurity among women with low-risk pregnancies assisted in public Primary Health Care services. Method: prospective cohort with 193 pregnant women, using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale...

Influence of religiosity on medical students' mental health

Rev. bras. educ. méd; 45 (2), 2021
Abstract: Introduction: Mental health was included as one of the top ten health indicators and studies have shown it is related to religiosity and spirituality (R/S). Objective: The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether the degree of R/S of medical students influences anxiety and depression ...

Sintomas depressivos e fatores associados em idosos institucionalizados da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte

OBJETIVO: Identificar a presença de sintomas depressivos e sua associação com a autopercepção de saúde em idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência. METODOLOGIA: Estudo transversal que avaliou idosos institucionalizados após triagem realizada pelo miniexame do estado mental. Aplica...

Una mirada especial a la ansiedad y depresión en el adulto mayor institucionalizado
A Special Approach to Anxiety and Depression in the Institutionalized Aged Adult

Introducción: La ansiedad y la depresión son alteraciones frecuentes en los ancianos y de difícil diagnóstico. El trabajo que se realiza en las Casas de Abuelos es realmente gratificante pues la socialización es tan fuerte que se crean fuertes lazos de amistad y una nueva perspectiva de ver la vida....