ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the influence of social determinants of health on the life conditions of patients who use intermittent urinary catheters. Method: This was a descriptive study conducted in a rehabilitation center with 243 neurogenic bladder patients who used clear intermittent urinary ca...
Cateterismo Uretral Intermitente/efectos adversos,
Cateterismo Uretral Intermitente/métodos,
Cateterismo Uretral Intermitente/psicología,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Calidad de Vida/psicología,
Determinantes Sociales de la Salud,
Catéteres Urinarios/normas
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the perception of cancer patients in palliative care about quality of life and identify propositions for its improvement. Method: This is a quantitative research carried out with 96 patients in palliative care, admitted in a public hospital from March 2015 to February ...
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Cuidados Paliativos/métodos,
Cuidados Paliativos/normas,
Investigación Cualitativa,
Calidad de Vida/psicología,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the essential elements that make the nursing team communication process effective, and to analyze such elements in the light of two main theorists, Berlo and King. Method: This is a qualitative study of assistant convergent research approach. The data production techniqu...
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the factors that determine the implementation of educational practices of health promotion and to construct proposals to implement the educational actions of the nurses of the Family Health Units (FHU). Method: research-action in which individual interviews and focus gro...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the process of empowerment of the mothers of children hospitalized in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) according to Cheryl H. Gibson's framework. Method: a qualitative study with a non-directive interview in groups was carried out with 14 mothers in the PICU of a pe...
ABSTRACT Objective: To create competencies for the educational actions of nurses in the care and management work processes at the Family Health Strategy. Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, on nurses of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) from a municipality ...
Este estudo objetivou analisar a percepção de trabalhadores da Estratégia Saúde da Família acerca de seu objeto de trabalho. Foram realizadas 12 entrevistas: nove com trabalhadores de três Equipes Saúde da Família, consideradas de referência por gestores municipais, e três com trabalhadores do ...
Introducción: el análisis de los errores cometidos durante el proceso diagnóstico al aplicar el método clínico por los estudiantes de medicina interna, en dos momentos de su rotación, permite mejorar la calidad de la atención médica. Objetivo: analizar si existe relación entre el diagnóstico al...
ABSTRACT Objective: Understand the impact of critical-illness news on the experience of family members at an Intensive Care Unit. Method: Phenomenological approach according to Van Manen's method. Open interviews were held with 21 family members. From analysis and interpretation of the data, three esse...
Introdução Doenças crônicas não transmissíveis destacam-se como problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Os principais fatores de risco relacionados a essas enfermidades são tabagismo, consumo abusivo de bebidas alcoólicas, inatividade física, alimentação inadequada e excesso de peso. Alimentaç...