Results: 186

Las citoquinas en el absceso hepático amebiano: un ejemplo de investigación inmunología en el ámbito clínico

NOVA publ. cient; 17 (31), 2019
Resumen El propósito de esta revisión es resaltar la importancia de la investigación en el área de la inmunología y su aplicación en el ámbito clínico. En una primera parte se presentan los descubrimientos más importantes que ayudaron a dilucidar los principales procesos fisiológicos involucrad...

La contaminación del aire atmosférico en la respuesta inmune innata antimicobacteriana
Atmospheric air pollution and innate antimycobacterial immunity

Indoor and outdoor air pollution has been considered a serious public health problem worldwide, and is associated annually with around 7 million deaths (4.8 million associated with outdoor air and 2.2 million indoor air). The main reasons for these deaths include: chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, ...

Micronutrientes: un eslabón clave en la inmunopatogénesis de la lepra
Micronutrients: a key link in the immunopathogenesis of leprosy

The purpose of this work was to analyze the prevalence of fetal mortality (FM) in mothers in early adolescence (10-14 years), late adolescence (15-19 years) and in adults (20-34 years), during the period 2014-2016, in the North Department of Santander-Colombia. The factors taken into account were: gestat...

Respuesta inmunoprotectora inducida por la glicoproteina D recombinante en el modelo de infección respiratoria de ratones BALB/c por alfaherpesvirus equino 1
Immunoprotective response induced by recombinant glycoprotein D in the BALB/c respiratory mouse model " of Equid alphaherpesvirus 1 infection

Rev. argent. microbiol; 51 (2), 2019
Equid alphaherpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) infection causes abortion, respiratory disease, perinatal deaths and neurological disorders in horses. The natural infection and available vaccines provide only partial and short-lived protection against reinfections. In the present study, we analyzed the ability of purif...

The Th1-th2 profile in immune responses to Human papillomavirus (HPV) in vitro in men from the city of São Paulo, Brazil

Introduction: The cell-mediated immune response plays an important role in the control of HPV-induced cancers. Cytokines play an important function in host defense against HPV infection by modulating viral infection and polarizing the immune response towards Th1 or Th2 cells. Objective: To evaluate the s...

Prevalence of hepatitis B vaccination and serological immunity of women in prenatal care at an university outpatient clinic in Southern Brazil

Introduction: Viral Hepatitis B is an infection with a high transferability, and delivery is the main form of transmission to newborns. Investigating HBV infection in pregnant women should be undertaken through research on the surface antigen of Hepatitis B virus (HBsAg), and the immunity to the virus sh...

Growth and Immune Response of Pangasius hypophthalmus Fed Diets Containing Seaweed Extracts as Immunostimulant

Abstract Growth and immune response of Pangasius hypophthalmus were evaluated after feeding the fish with diets containing hot-water extracts (HWE) of Sargassum oligocystum as immunostimulant at 100, 300, and 500 mg kg-1 diet. Basal diet for P. hypophthalmus served as the control. The experimental diets ...

Perfil de metilação do DNA em genes relacionados à resposta imune na periodontite generalizada

A periodontite é uma doença inflamatória crônica, multifatorial, associada com a disbiose do biofilme dental e caracterizada pela destruição dos tecidos de suportes dos dentes. Embora a presença das bactérias seja essencial na patogênese da periodontite, fatores do hospedeiro, como os genéticos...

Enhancing immune effects of a DNA vaccine against kidney cancer using CD40L as an adjuvant

The use of specific combinations of antigens and adjuvant represents a promising approach for increasing the immunogenicity of DNA vaccines. In the present study, we evaluated the immunity and antitumor effects of DNA vaccines with G250 as the target antigen in a mouse model of renal cell carcinoma. We c...

Asociación diabetes tipo 2 y tuberculosis pulmonar en pacientes de imsalud en la zona atalaya de cúcuta entre 2013 y 2015

Rev. MED; 26 (2), 2018
Resumen Objetivo: Establecer la asociación entre diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) y tuberculosis pulmonar (TBp) en los pacientes que asisten al servicio de consulta externa en las IPS de Imsalud de la Zona Atalaya de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional,...