Results: 221

Potential drug interactions in prescribed and nonprescribed medicinal products for hemodialytic patients

Mundo Saúde (Online); 42 (4), 2018
The treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) requires the use of a large quantity of drugs, a factor related to the increased possibility of detection of Potential Drug Interactions (PDI), which can occur more frequently when it involves the practice of self-medication. This study was conducted with the...

Drugs that interfere with the results of laboratory tests: an integrative review of the literature

Rev. bras. anal. clin; 50 (2), 2018
Objective: To gather scientific knowledge about the use of drugs that cause interference in the results of laboratory tests. This is an integrative review of the literature that used Lilacs, SciELO and Medline as databases and to search for articles; the keywords in Portuguese and English were selected u...

Prevalência de interações medicamentosas potenciais em indivíduos hipertensos acompanhados na estratégia de saúde da família

Introdução: interações medicamentosas potenciais (IMP) podem ocasionar efeitos sinérgicos ou antagônicos, decorrentes da coadministração de fármacos. Entre os fatores associados, destacam-se sexo, idade avançada e polifarmácia, definida como o uso concomitante de cinco ou mais fármacos. Objet...

La atención farmacéutica mejora los parámetros clínicos de las enfermedades crónicas
Pharmaceutical care improves clinical parameters of chronic diseases

Drug therapy, potential interactions and iatrogenesis as factors related to frailty in the elderly

Objective: to investigate the use of drugs, potential drug interactions and iatrogenesis, as factors associated with frailty. Method: an observational, cross-sectional, population-based study of elderly persons registered with the Family Health Strategies of the urban area of ​​a municipal...

Riesgo cardiovascular de los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos
Cardiovascular risk of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Medicina (B.Aires); 78 (5), 2018
Los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINEs) se encuentran entre los fármacos más utilizados en la práctica clínica. Actúan mediante el bloqueo de las enzimas ciclooxigenasas (COX), pero el grado de inhibición de COX-1 y COX-2 varía entre ellos. Se ha generalizado la clasificación entre COX-2 sel...

Neuropatía úptica isquémica anterior unilateral asociada con ergotismo
Anterior unilateral ischemic optic neuropathy associated to ergotism

Prensa méd. argent; 104 (6), 2018
Case report of a patient with ergotism. ergotism is a complication of acute intoxication of chronic abuse of ergot derivates. Ergot is a fungus that grows on rye and less commonly on other grases such as wheat. Ergotism is a severe reaction to ergocontaminated food (such as rye bread). Ergot refers to a ...

Interações entre fármacos e nutrientes: ocorrência e manejo clínico

Introdução: a dieta alimentar fornece nutrientes necessários ao sustento do corpo humano, portanto alterações provocadas por doenças e infecções, levam à utilização de medicamentos, o qual o uso associado pode interferir na eficácia terapêutica. Objetivo: Apresentar o manejo clínico, a ocor...

Adherence score for Users of Oral Anticoagulants

The score is an effective instrument for the assessment of treatment adherence in users of oral anticoagulants and maintenance of INR (international normalized ratio) within the therapeutic range. Objective: To develop an adherence score for oral anticoagulant users for the maintenance of INR within the...