Results: 146

Effects of aerobic and resistance training on the cardiorespiratory fitness of young people with Down Syndrome

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of aerobic and resistance training on the maximal and submaximal cardiorespiratory fitness of young people with Down Syndrome (DS). Forty-one individuals of both sexes with Down syndrome (age, 15.51±2.70 y) were divided into three...

Effect of FIFA 11+ in addition to conventional handball training on balance and isokinetic strength

Abstract Considering that handball is a sport that requires physical contact, jumps, and fast movements, it is relevant to create prevention strategies to avoid injuries. It is known that better proprioceptive conditions and muscular balance are associated with reductions in sport injuries. The aim of th...

Efectos del entrenamiento vibratorio sobre el riesgo de caída en adultos mayores institucionalizados: una revisión breve

Objetivo: analizar los efectos del entrenamiento vibratorio sobre el riesgo de caída, el cual implica mediciones de velocidad de caminata, equilibrio, potencia y fuerza muscular, en adultos mayores institucionalizados, mediante una revisión sistemática. Método: se realizó una búsqueda biblio-gráfi...

Pelvic floor muscle training protocol for stress urinary incontinence in women: A systematic review

Summary Introduction: Strengthening exercises for pelvic floor muscles (SEPFM) are considered the first approach in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Nevertheless, there is no evidence about training parameters. Objective: To identify the protocol and/or most effective training parame...

¿Puede el ejercicio físico per se disminuir el peso corporal en sujetos con sobrepeso/obesidad?

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (6), 2017
The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing, creating a public health problem. The loss of approximately 10% of body weight is recommended to reduce the risk of mortality associated with metabolic diseases and to increase the quality of life in adults with overweight or obesity. Non-pharmacolo...

Combined aerobic and resistance training: are there additional benefits for older hypertensive adults?

Clinics; 72 (6), 2017
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare the effects of a combination of aerobic and resistance training to those of isolated aerobic training on blood pressure, body composition, and insulin sensitivity in hypertensive older adults. METHOD: Forty-four patients were randomly assigned to th...

The effectiveness of Kinesio Taping on pain and disability in cervical myofascial pain syndrome

Rev. bras. reumatol; 57 (2), 2017
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Kinesio Taping and sham Kinesio Taping on pain, pressure pain threshold, cervical range of motion, and disability in cervical myofascial pain syndrome patients (MPS). Methods: This study was designed as a randomized, doub...

Home-based exercise program in TSP/HAM individuals: a feasibility and effectiveness study

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of a home-based exercise program in TSP/HAM individuals. Methods Twenty-three TSP/HAM individuals divided in two groups according to Timed Up and Go (TUG) score (<20s vs ≥20s) performed a 20-week home-based exercise program....

Abordagem não-farmacológica na cefaleia do tipo tensional: efeitos da hidroterapia sobre a dor e a qualidade de vida

Rev. bras. neurol; 53 (1), 2017
Há poucos relatos na literatura de abordagens não-farmacológicas para o tratamento da cefaleia do tipo tensional (CTT), problema comum que gera impacto negativo na vida dos portadores, e nenhum sobre o protocolo de hidroterapia proposto. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar os efeitos da hidroterapia so...

Efectividad de ejercicios submaximales versus protocolo convencional en el rango de movimiento glenohumeral tras reparación artroscópica del supraespinoso

OBJETIVO: Determinar si la aplicación precoz de un programa de ejercicios submaximal, disminuye el dolor y aumenta el rango de movimiento glenohumeral en comparación a un protocolo convencional, en sujetos sometidos a artroscopia del supraespinoso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: El presente estudio corresponde ...