Results: 405

Avaliação da saúde óssea em pacientes com anorexia nervosa e bulimia nervosa

Introdução: Anorexia nervosa (AN) e bulimia nervosa (BN) são transtornos alimentares (TA), cujos sintomas típicos de restrição alimentar, exercícios físicos excessivos, vômitos auto-induzidos e abuso de laxantes e diuréticos podem resultar em severas complicações clínicas. Mulheres com AN e ...

Terapia hormonal em mulheres com insuficiência ovariana prematura: uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise

The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the effects of different hormone therapies (HT) on clinical outcomes in women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). We included 31 studies totalizing 4142 participants with POI from diverse etiologies, of whom 2619 received HT and ...

Effects of vitamin d supplementation during pregnancy on newborns and infants: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the effects of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy on newborns and infants. Data sources: The present study is an integrative review of literature based on clinical trials published in journals indexed in the PubMed and Web of Science databases. Two searches wer...

Effect of a single high-dose vitamin d3 on the length of hospital stay of severely 25-hydroxyvitamin d-deficient patients with COVID-19

Clinics; 76 (), 2021
OBJECTIVES: In this ancillary analysis of a multicenter, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, we investigated the effect of a single high dose of vitamin D3 on the length of hospital stay of patients with severe 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency and COVID-19. METHODS: The primary outcome w...

Vitamin D: association with eosinophil counts and IgE levels in children with asthma

J. bras. pneumol; 47 (1), 2021
ABSTRACT In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the relationship that levels of vitamin D had with eosinophil counts and IgE levels in 26 children with asthma (6-12 years of age) in the city of Londrina, Brazil. Vitamin D levels were found to correlate significantly, albeit moderately, with age (...

El rol de la suplementación con vitamina D en la infección por COVID-19
The role of vitamin D supplementation on COVID-19 infection

La Vitamina D es un micronutriente esencial que obtenemos a partir de la síntesis dérmica tras la radiación solar ultravioleta. Diferentes estudios han evidenciado que la vitamina D tiene diversos efectos a nivel del sistema inmune, y cumple un rol esencial en la respuesta ante infecciones virales res...

Deficiência de vitamina d e mortalidade cardiovascular na doença renal crônica: revisão integrativa

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 20 (), 2021
RESUMO Objetivo: analisar os estudos científicos desenvolvidos sobre a deficiência de vitamina D e a mortalidade por causa cardiovascular nas pessoas com doença renal crônica. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura a partir das bases de dados LILACS, Pub Med, Medline e na bibl...

The role of serum levels of vitamin D in children's muscle strength: A systematic review

Clinics; 76 (), 2021
This review aims to investigate the different levels of vitamin D and its role in muscle strength in healthy children and non-athletes. A search conducted in three databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Psycinfo) resulted in 655 articles, which were systematically analyzed and selected based on the following cri...

Relationship between vitamin D deficiency and psychophysiological variables: a systematic review of the literature

Clinics; 76 (), 2021
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role not only in calcium homeostasis, but also in several other functions, including cell growth and immune functions, and is considered a neurosteroid. Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent worldwide and has been suggested to be associated with an incre...