ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the metric validity and reliability properties of the MISSCARE-BRASIL survey. Method: methodological research conducted by assessing construct validity and reliability via confirmatory factor analysis, known-groups validation, convergent construct validation, analysis of ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the frequency of pain, to verify the measures adopted for pain relief during the first seven days of hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and to identify the type and frequency of invasive procedures to which newborns are submitted. Method: cross-sectiona...
Resume Objective: to analyze the relationship between the perceptions of nurses about geriatric care (GC) environment and geriatric nurses' knowledge and attitudes according to unit type considering the northern and central regions of Portugal. Method: a cross-sectional study was developed among 1068 P...
Resume Objective: to identify the prevalence of falls among older adults and the extrinsic factors associated with them. Method: population-based cross-sectional study with 350 older adults. A household survey was conducted using a questionnaire addressing socio-demographic, clinical, and environmental...
ABSTRACT Objectives: Determine prevalence of obesity / overweight, physical activity (PA) and prediabetes in adult children of parents with type 2 diabetes; identify differences according to sociodemographic variables, and describe the relationship of obesity/overweight with fasting glucose (FG) and gly...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the self-care competence in the administration of insulin performed by older people aged 70 or over. Method: cross-sectional study carried out with 148 older people aged 70 or over, who performed self-administration of insulin. Data collection was carried out using a stru...
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the respiratory status of postoperative adult patients by assessing the nursing outcome Respiratory Status. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study developed with 312 patients. Eighteen NOC indicators were assessed and rated using a Likert-scale questionnaire and defi...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the prevalence of urinary incontinence and its associated factors in hospital patients. Method: this is a cross-sectional epidemiological study whose data were collected using the instruments Sociodemographic and Clinical Data, Characteristics of Urinary Leakage and Inte...
ABSTRACT Objective: to know the degree of fulfillment of the requests that women reflect in their birth plans and to determine their influence on the main obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Method: retrospective, descriptive and analytical study with 178 women with birth plans in third-level hospital. In...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the clinical information systems used in the management of tuberculosis in Primary Health Care. Method: descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study with 100 health professionals with data collected through a questionnaire to assess local institutional capacity for the...